Which Tablet to Purchase?


Mar 25, 2011
OK... I've had a couple of lesser known tablets and have decided that I could do with a real tablet.

The Staples store in my town has the following tablets, which would you suggest I purchase?
Asus TF300 10.1"
Nexus 7
Samsung Galaxy 2 7"
Lenovo IdeaTab 7"

Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Fred. My choice would be a Nexus 7 (of course) or the Galaxy Tab 2 7". The Nexus as you probably know runs the latest Jellybean 4.2.1 natively and gets the latest updates as they come out. I personally love it, the battery life is good. You'll really know the difference compared to those lower resolution slower tablets that seem to be flooding the market now. Choose wisely and you'll have a problem free run and you won't have to worry how to translate that Chinese manual that comes with most of the cheap ones! Cheers!
I will throw one more in here for you.
Phandroid just did a video review on an Archos tablet that's coming out to retail in march.
The Archos 80 and 97 titanium.

the 80 is the 8inch and the other is a little bigger with higher resolution, back camera, expandable slot for storage.

I currently have the Lenovo K1 and recently broke down and picked up the Nexus 7.
I wouldn't get another Lenovo tablet.
Mine has started an issue with when it goes to sleep and you try to unlock it.. it goes right back to sleep.
It's a pain to get it to reboot.
As long as I don't let it go to sleep it seems to be fine.
(set to never sleep and don't put it on sleep just shut it down when I'm done.)

From what I've read this is a known issue for Lenovo tablets and there isn't anything to do for it other than that.
I was lucky and mine didn't start it until after I had it for over a year I guess.
All of my laptops for work are Lenovo, but I don't think I will buy another tablet from them anytime soon.
But at the time it had what I wanted.. that I was willing to accept the proprietary power connection.

OK.. so I bought the Nexus 7 based on reviews. I don't really need a back camera.
Expandable memory would be nice.. but 32g is plenty for me on a tablet really.
The screen is bright and clear.. I like it better than the Lenovo.

I've only had it for a few days, and so far am impressed with it's ease of use and I figure it will get updates first.

Oh and the nexus has NFC if you think you might use that.. I honestly don't know how common that feature is. I'm not sure if it's mainstream in retail yet.. I've not seen it in use

However my inner geek saw the cnet mention of the new archos 80 from ces.
So I went digging for info on the 8" model.. found that aforementioned video review on phandroid.
I saw that it will be 199 at retail and I start wondering.. should I have waited? Ugh.
I've been reading the boards on Archos as I really don't know much on the quality of this brand.
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The Nexus is good unless you need an MSD for some reason.
Thanks for the replies... I have been leaning towards the Nexus, but those Titanium tablets from Archos look interesting!
I'm currently considering buying a Nexus 7, so I would recommend this one. I read all sort of reviews for the past few days and I find it the best in its class.
I am leaning toward keeping the nexus and for the price point of the archos, I can wait and get one later if the reviews are good and a lot of problems aren't reported.