White Pandigital Novel 75% off !!! (Ended the 2nd week of Jan. 11)


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Staff member
Jun 30, 2010

As I write this I'm picking up two white pandigital novels, they are currently placed on clearance at kohl's all over the states at an amazing 75 percent off. So for those that aren't math savvy like me that's only 60 dollars for an ereader but after some tinkering and hackery found in our Pandigital section ( Pandigital Novel ) that's only 60 dollars for an Android tablet. Sure its not the greatest device out there but at 60 dollars that is the cheapest Android tablet available anywhere. Since it is on clearance and not on a sale, there isn't a end date of the discount. But out of 3 kohl's I called one was completely sold out so don't wait to long. We want to say thanks to exscentric for informing us of this fantastic sale ( http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/pandigital-novel/5149-59-99-white-pandigitals-kohls.html ).

You won't find this sale online, don't be afraid to call kohl's.

If you know of a fantastic deal or an Android tablet that is just as cheap let us know in the comments.
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How can you tell V2 vs V1 and is there a thread that discussed the diffs I've search but haven't seen 1. If not what are the diffs


I guess I got lucky... The Kolh's located in Centennial Hills/Las Vegas had 3 in stock.

I bought two to give out as birthday gifts for the in-laws next month.

Thanks for the tip.
Thanks here also for the tip. I went by at lunch and picked up an extra PDN so the wife can have one. Surprised to see they still had about a dozen units.
I purchased those two yesterday and wanted to hack them first to make sure they were worth it and they most definitely are so i told my family members today stretching acrossed three states and all of their kohls are sold out, so i thought i would call up the ones here again and they are all sold out now. Bummer

UPDATE: just found one and put it on hold!!
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I called my local store and after being put on hold forever, was told they didn't have any. Something told me I should check it out anyways. After looking around FOREVER (my god that store has no rhyme or reason to it's layout), I found them. Not only did they have a good 6 or 7 hanging up, they had several on a cart next to the display. the moral I guess is:

1. don't believe them if you call and they say they don't have any (unless they sound like they know what they are talking about)


2. Anyone in the San Diego area should try the Oceanside store (that's where I got mine)

Huge hat tip to the OP, this should keep me busy enough until a real iPad killer comes along. My one wish is that it played flash, it's killing me.
I called my local store and after being put on hold forever, was told they didn't have any. Something told me I should check it out anyways. After looking around FOREVER (my god that store has no rhyme or reason to it's layout), I found them. Not only did they have a good 6 or 7 hanging up, they had several on a cart next to the display. the moral I guess is:

1. don't believe them if you call and they say they don't have any (unless they sound like they know what they are talking about)


2. Anyone in the San Diego area should try the Oceanside store (that's where I got mine)

Huge hat tip to the OP, this should keep me busy enough until a real iPad killer comes along. My one wish is that it played flash, it's killing me.

Check out the action at CES.

ASUS looks like they have a good one for around 400-700 depending on specs, but if you want a monster then the Motorola XOOM definitely fits that bill. I am waiting for the pricing....I know it's going to bankrupt me but I don't care!
I can do 400 for a nice system...Don't need 4G or large internal storage..thats what expandable storage is for :)
I called my local store and after being put on hold forever, was told they didn't have any. Something told me I should check it out anyways. After looking around FOREVER (my god that store has no rhyme or reason to it's layout), I found them. Not only did they have a good 6 or 7 hanging up, they had several on a cart next to the display. the moral I guess is:

1. don't believe them if you call and they say they don't have any (unless they sound like they know what they are talking about)


2. Anyone in the San Diego area should try the Oceanside store (that's where I got mine)

Huge hat tip to the OP, this should keep me busy enough until a real iPad killer comes along. My one wish is that it played flash, it's killing me.

As of Wednesday the Santee Kohl's had two left... might be gone now though.
Since this ad came out I have been calling around looking for a Kohls that had them in stock. Today I found one 45 min down the freeway and passing about 3 other stores I found one only reason my wife let me go get it was because it was at a store by her mom's house, afternoon with the inlaw for one.....I think its worth it.
As of today... there are still a "few" at the Santee, CA Kohl's. The lady told me wife they only had "two left", but today when I called a girl said "a few"