Why are all the Email apps so bad?


Sep 28, 2011
I just got a Toshiba Thrive. And likee it very much.

I was sure I would be able to use it for email when I traveled. I started with the included email app and thought it was pretty basic but did work without crashing and ccessed my ssl pop3 account just fine.

I figutered ther had to be a third party app that would allow me to creat additionl folders to store email in, filters to get the mail into the folders, spell check, just the basic stuff that has been in every email client on evry OS for 20 years!

Nope they all basically suck! I tried K9, sucks, I bought Kaiten, sucks, I tried Maildroid, sucks.. None of the suppossed "best" of the alternatives were any better thn th stock android reader.

Does anybody make a pop3 email client that measures up to the pc email clients available 20 years ago?
What did you dislike about K-9? I'm using it with IMAP accts. and it's working pretty well.


Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Probably thinking that a mobile email program doors what a desktop program does. Any way, I started with the default program. Needing a bit more, went with K9 and subsequently moved to Kaiten Mail. For Exchange, I did the default program, but goodness, I was unable to change port assignments. From there to Touchdown, which handles Exchange nicely.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Spell check? Not with Android and not a standard feature.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
First I said POP3 account. Second, K9 is just not any better than the default email app. But when your comparing against such a low bar even if it was a bit better, so what?


I just got a Toshiba Thrive. And likee it very much.

I was sure I would be able to use it for email when I traveled. I started with the included email app and thought it was pretty basic but did work without crashing and ccessed my ssl pop3 account just fine.

I figutered ther had to be a third party app that would allow me to creat additionl folders to store email in, filters to get the mail into the folders, spell check, just the basic stuff that has been in every email client on evry OS for 20 years!

Nope they all basically suck! I tried K9, sucks, I bought Kaiten, sucks, I tried Maildroid, sucks.. None of the suppossed "best" of the alternatives were any better thn th stock android reader.

Does anybody make a pop3 email client that measures up to the pc email clients available 20 years ago?
Why are expectations so low? Why be satisfied with programs that have the feature set of programs 20-30 years old?


Probably thinking that a mobile email program doors what a desktop program does. Any way, I started with the default program. Needing a bit more, went with K9 and subsequently moved to Kaiten Mail. For Exchange, I did the default program, but goodness, I was unable to change port assignments. From there to Touchdown, which handles Exchange nicely.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
First I said POP3 account.
I can read. I was simply relating my experience and asking a question, but never mind. It seems you're more interested in being angry and ranting then actually sharing information and learning, so I'll just leave you to it.


Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
I can read. I was simply relating my experience and asking a question, but never mind. It seems you're more interested in being angry and ranting then actually sharing information and learning, so I'll just leave you to it.


Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Try not to be negative - he has some very valid points. I personally like the interface for the default Android app, but I can easily see how someone would want a lot more functionality.

He is right - the clients available for Android do lack some functions that are pretty major in other email apps (auto-spellcheck (although the Keyboard has it built in, usually), signing (I think), etc.). Hopefully we'll see some updates regarding that in ICS.

Anyway, to OP, I personally have stuck to the default email client so I don't have any specific suggestions. Maybe someone else can be of assistance.