

Dec 5, 2011
Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum

Why is all the apps, free games, mi -fi the ring are 90 + % ALL mainly for the USA Market
Considering how many of the apps are meaningless garbage, I don't think you are missing that much. I consider most of the Amazon free crAPP of the day worthless.
Apart from agreeing with the previous poster, since most app developers are from the US they do apps for the US
Amazon mostly offers the free app of the day from the junk game list. But if you follow it every day then you will find a lot of big dollar apps offered as well. I have picked up a long list of $10-$15 dollar apps so far. Many of which are great. You just have to make it a daily hunt.
Have to agree most are bad games but i have gotten a few good ones. Just a couple of weeks ago i bof splashtop, which is a six dollar app.

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Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum

Why is all the apps, free games, mi -fi the ring are 90 + % ALL mainly for the USA Market

Not entirely right. There are lots of apps available which are specfically Asian. And others European. The fact that the USA holds the largest market comes as no surprise. What annoys me is that AMAZON will not sell to Australia. We don't have an amazon.com.au and it frustrates me no ends. Down with amazon. I hope they read this!