Wifi connectivity issue Avoided poor internet connection resolved


Apr 15, 2013
Hi Folks,

Got into trouble trying to add devices to my router. I "deleted" the Wifi config details on my Bauhn Tablet to test reconnecting to my router. Stupidly I typed in the wrong password and DOH!! tablet didn't like that and refused to reconnect to router. Error messages returned by Android were things like "Avoided poor internet connection" and I could see the tablet trying to fetch an IP address but was unsuccessful. Tried connecting with WSP but this failed too. Tried changing SSID and create a new wifi ACL still no good. Could see the tablet from the router configuration screen but it was unable to push IP address to my stubborn tablet.

Anyway in the end I reconfigured my router configuration, luckily I hadn't secured the router completely, specifically the router was broadcasting SSID and the encryption type was generic WAP. So I stopped broadcasting the SSID, changed encryption to WPA2, and changed the encryption key.

On the tablet I turned on WiFi then deleted the router configuration (again) by selecting my router and tapping Forget (this doesn't actually delete the details but without rooting the tablet you don't have much choice). Then I tapped the plus sign at the top of the panel, typed in the new SSID, selected WPA/WPA2 PSK from the Security dropdown, entered the new encryption key and waited for the tablet to successfully handshake the router. Eventually Android returned the familiar "Connected" message below.

Now I can get back to connecting Ipad and Iphone for my clueless and thankless jungle queen.
You did the right things. The only thing I would suggest if that problem crops up again would be to change from PSK to TKIP.