Wifi problems..


Aug 13, 2010
I just picked up my Gentouch at KMart today. (Well, really, I picked one up yesterday, and the charging mechanism was defective, so I returned it today) I am going through Settings to turn on Wifi, receive a notice that Wifi is turning on, and then my device reboots in wifi=off mode. Has anyone seen this happen before?
It's possible that the last two devices were still in the store because they were defective... I just don't know. This is my first Android device, so I don't know what else to expect.

Has anyone else seen this bug? It's pretty, and I can't wait to use it.
Well was the clear oval table seal broken on both boxes. The wireless should see your wireless router. Make sure SSID and passcode is in use. Are you using WPS on your wireless router? Remember this is not 802.11n it's 802.11g.
a) Nope, no sticker/seal on the box. It was the display model.
b) Nope. I can't even turn on the wifi, so I can't see out to detect any of the networks.

The settings go from Wifi: off to Wifi: Turning on... freezes for around 45 seconds, and then the whole device reboots.
a) Nope, no sticker/seal on the box. It was the display model.
b) Nope. I can't even turn on the wifi, so I can't see out to detect any of the networks.

The settings go from Wifi: off to Wifi: Turning on... freezes for around 45 seconds, and then the whole device reboots.

1. Use a paper clip and put that into the hole in the back of the unit.
2. Keep that press in and then to the side turn on the power.
3. Make sure that you have the power cord plugged in while you're doing all of this.

Doing 1, 2, 3 will force the unit to reboot and flush out prior issue.

Now go back into settings + Wifi and see if it works now.
By-the-way what's the conditions of the display model prior to buying it?

Basically you want to the unit to search for your SSID then enter your passocde while the wireless is turned on.
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Patch #1 only updates the ROM doesn't wipe out any settings prior.

Patch #2 would have a factory restore and that would wipe out all prior settings and bring the unit to the original factory settings. But in less than 6 days that second patch was suppose to come out. Now that Kmart as ditch the AuGen Gentouch, you might want to take the unit back for refund since you might have been sold customer returns used as display models.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for the next decent tablet. I'm not an apple fan, and all the other major hardware distributors keep delaying their releases. Grumblegrumble. Maybe by the time there's some solid hardware available with a 7-10" screen, it'll run Ubuntu Netbook Remix. :)
Thanks! I appreciate it.
I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for the next decent tablet. I'm not an apple fan, and all the other major hardware distributors keep delaying their releases. Grumblegrumble. Maybe by the time there's some solid hardware available with a 7-10" screen, it'll run Ubuntu Netbook Remix. :)

Your Welcome!

A very good friend got iPad for his wife he couldn't get one at the local Apple Store they were backorder, so he had gone to the Apple site and ordered one. It came from SHENZHEN CN to ported to LANTAU ISLAND HK then off to the states. That cost him over $699 for that bad boy. He and I are not Apple fans either. The only reason why he didn't go for the Androids as there wasn't any that was like iPad. But unlike him I can wait. I know I have two listed below Flytouch just trying different firmwares see how it works with them. Gentouch 78 I'll keep it because frankly it works and the speed of the device is just as good as one of my Netbooks. Next up from me would be either that new Toshiba dual 7" or 8 or 10". I am not in any rush to buy anything else at the moment. If I see another Gentouch 78 factory seal I'll buy it!
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