Wifi suddenly fails, cycles endlessly w/o connecting, USB also now fails as well


Nov 4, 2012
Hi. My Sony Tablet S wifi has always worked perfectly, for several months now. Until today. All of the sudden it disconnects me from the network but leaves my wifi on. So I try to reconnect but it just going Connected...Obtaining IP address...Disconnected...Connected...Obtaining IP address...Disconnected... over and over again without ever establishing a successful connection.

I next tried turning the wifi on/off as well as turning the tablet itself on/off but all without success. At this point my flight was taxiing to the runaway and I left it turned off, figuring maybe the local wifi had just gone buggy. But sure enough the next airport, one I am at every month, the same wifi issue appears. I powered up my laptop but it connected fine.

Next I tried to connect my tablet to my laptop. However it never even appears as a drive under Computer as it always has before. It would appear that the USB connect has gone out at the same time as the wifi....huh?!?

Third airport, my hometown. Still no results. And now, even here at home on my primary network the wifi just cycles endlessly without connecting -- plus the tablet still fails to connect to the desktop via USB. That's four reliable and working networks and two computers that have now verified these dual errors. And I have no idea what to do now.

Once again, this tablet was fine and working one minute -- I was sending emails -- and then BOOM! it disconnected me and all these issues arose. I cannot even access the Play Store for any updates or upgrades or apps. However the SD card slot still appears to work.

Have any thoughts or ideas? Has this ever happened to you? Thanks and best wishes for the new week!
Welcome to the forum

The airport issue may be a different issue as some people have problems at some airports and hotels depending on the browser, which is sometimes required, to enable the WiFi. At home I feel the problem is probably your router. You m,ay want to power it down for 30 seconds then after powerup try what you tried again. You may need to try a 3rd hotspot to be certain it isn't your tablet.

I have a link below in my sig with some additional possible solutions to your problem.
I have had no end of trouble with my tablet S when it comes to public use wifi. It's actually turned me off ever buying another Sony product.
For the last four weeks I had the problem of being unable to obtain an IP address at a hotel I'm staying at. Phone worked fine, and the two other gents sharing the room had multiple devices connected also. It got to the point where I was considering just buying a laptop and cutting my losses. What solved it in the end was the hotel had actually blocked my mac address, for reasons they were unable to state (?). Other times it has been very erratic and I just don't know why.
Very frustrating, but take some comfort in the fact you're not alone.