WIFI & Vegan Tab Ginger


Apr 18, 2011
I have been using Vegan Tab Ginger for about 3 weeks.

Everything was ok and then I discovered that wifi was not on every time I powered up. Previously, it automatically signed into and connected to home wifi but not now.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
I am experiencing the exact same thing. I thought it was probably something my 3 year old did while playing with it, but after seeing your post here I'm not so sure.

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB using Android Tablet Forum
I thought that I saw the same question in XDA so was hesitating to reply. Now, there is another case.

Gentlemen, if the tablet was working fine with wifi for 3 weeks, then chances are, something has happened. It is important to find the root cause. Router, Router setting, interference, etc . . . may be the first to look at. I used the same rom for a while, not only at home, but during several travels, and the wifi connection was always good.

If you cannot determine the root cause, perhaps you could flash the latest Pershoot kernel boot-cm_2632.41_gb-oc-uv-xtra-vfp_fp-052411.zip [Kernel] - OC-UV-VFP_FP (1.400GHZ) - Gtab/Zpad (Update 6/04/11) - xda-developers. Remember flash with CWM, straight up, no wipe, no reset . . etc . .

Let us know.

Amen to brother Dave, if it seems to stop working for no reason, there is always a reason...

Sent from my Bottle of Smoke using Android Tablet Forum
I flashed the latest pershoot kernal and there is no change. Everytime I power up I need to connect to my home wifi.
Tablet has always been set to "never" off in wifi settings. The tablet always connected to wifi automatically upon powering up. Now, I must manually connect to home wifi. Not a big deal, small nuisance. But, why has this happened????
I think that we are wasting our times here.

I've tried to lead you to find issues with your router, its settings, and interferences . . . Also, suggested for you to try googling for similar wifi connection issues as you yourself would be the only one that know which situation fits yours.

You may try to reflash the rom or test another one, but unless you identify and fix the root cause, the problem will return.

Goodbye and good luck.


P.S. My post may sound harsh to you, but wifi could become a tough one to crack. Encryption schemes, Mac filtering, frequency, broadcasting, signal drop, driver, interference, router performance, g and n, router firmware, etc . . . The last problem that I had to deal with was with a six-core PC which I built. All were fine and a month later, the PC stopped connecting wireless automatically at boot up and after sleep. Switched the wifi adapter to another usb port worked for a few days, or week, then problem returned. I had considered to replace the motherboard or the power supply but found the root cause and fixed it. Google is your best friend.
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I am having the same problem - wifi defaults to OFF instead of ON when power up. I just tested from sleep mode and it was ON.
The only possible cause I can think of is that I accidently hit the airplane mode check box one time in a menu. It has been a pain to turn the wifi on every time I start it since then.
Are you waiting long enough for the wifi to connect? I am running the same ROM and using Wireless N and it always connects on boot or wake up. It sometimes takes awhile for the white wifi icon to turn yellow, but it always does. I find that if I try using something that goes on line too soon it will slow it down even further.
I got my gtablet a few years ago with tap n tap, and wifi stayed on. When I went on a trip, i paid viewsonic $90 to help me upgrade it to gingerbread. It worked fine til the trip, when I put it on airplane mode, so I could watch a movie. Now I have the same problem, wifi has to be activated with settings all the time. My macbook, roku box, etc can find my rounter. So I went to the Google play store and tried several free apps to have it boot to wifi. No luck, even when I put the app in the group. I looked at the settings log file, and could not see why it was starting with wifi off. It is very discouraging. Airplane mode turned off my bluetooth, i have to find a way to use my g tablet as a skype phone, with a blue tooth adapter. At any rate, both network connects will not open or turn on on boot, despite the programs I tried from gogole play. thanks
Had the same problem, I set mine for static ip and it works fine now. I even had never sleep but since setting ip I can now sleep when screen turns off.