will Ipad2 case fit the Lonovo K1 tablet ????


Dec 7, 2011
I just order Lonovo K1 , and at home I have an extra IPad case . I wonder that the IPad-2 case fit the Lonovo K1 ???

Many Thanks
Depends, but the two devices have different dimensions. A neoprene (or other stretchy fabric) sleeve will likely fit OK, but I think most folio type cases will not.
The Lenovo K1 is 10.4×0.52×7.4 (WDH) while iPad 2 is 7.3×0.4×9.5 (WDH). The lenovo is longer by almost an inch so will definitely wont fit into any iPad 2 cases. In fact, based on our experience, its also too long to fit into iPad 2 sleeves. Your best bet is to get an 11'' sleeve. It should also fit well into cases made for Notion Ink Adam (10.6×0.55×7.5).
Yup, it definitely won't fit. Each device has accessories made specifically to their dimensions, try browsing through the web for specific accessories for your device!