Windows Batch Tool for Huawei Ideos S7


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
i wrote a little windows batch command to play with ideos s7.


what this little thingy do:

> install huawei USB drivers
help to install appropriate drivers for your windows os version. USB driver included in the package.

> move apps to sd card it is for android 2.2.2 (froyo) ROM only
set up app2ext or app2sd or what so ever the name using script written by ivyvisors and pvella in

unlike link2sd or app2sd, it moves more files to sd card (data, app, dalvik-cache), so you can install more apps to your sd card.

instead of typing commands manually, i made scripted adb shell.

the script has been tested on S7-103 (internal/external sd card) running new firmware S7v100R001C98B021.
the script use mount point 179:2 for internal sd card partition 2.

you have to manually create partitions to internal sd card before using this script.
partition 1 : primary, format FAT32
partition 2 : primary max size of 2GB unformatted. (will be format by the script)

All credit for this goes to Ivyvisors and Pvella for developing the scripts
and thanks kevmueller for his clearly step by step tutorial.

> install Clockwork mod recovery.
download clockworkmod recovery from
extract the file and put file recovery.img in Ideos_S7_tool folder

hope someone will port gingerbread to our tablet soon.

> erase partition
it will erase partition(s) on your tablet, don't worry, i put confirmation dialog before
you erase it.

> reboot
it will send reboot command into normal mode, fastboot or recovery from your pc.

download link

link temporary removed due to someone reported problem with app2ext script with tablet not fullfill "prerequisites"
will fix it with add some verification before clean up data
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download link

link temporary removed due to someone reported problem with app2ext script with tablet not fullfill "prerequisites"
will fix it with add some verification before clean up data

can you reupload this? i used once and worked very well, im now updating my tab and would like to use it again. thanks
While its not for any tablet I have, I'd also like to see this... and possibly port it (if necessary) to various tablets (PIAes) I have... :rolleyes:
can you reupload this? i used once and worked very well, im now updating my tab and would like to use it again. thanks

Hi Oinq, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. This thread is 2½ years old, and tri_zet hasn't been on the forum for 2 years now. Unless someone else has a copy and uploads it, it's not likely you're going to get it. Enjoy the forum.

BTW When you get a chance, please go to your profile and fill in the Tablet / Device entry. That way folks will know which tablet you have without you having to tell them every time.
Hey Spider, good morning.
Thanks for your kind answer. Indeed long time has passed since i came to this forum, so much time that i had lost track of my old login, tried to recover it but none of emails i use returns me a new password.

Well to be honest im almost sure i have this batch tool, the problem is, i have it on my computer in Portugal and im now in Belgium...
I updated my Ideios S7 to 2.2.2 in that time then i bought my Galaxy Note with 4.0 and the tablet went to the shelf.
Yesterday a quick search about it returned some jelly bean results and it was what i needed to try resurrect it.
But now im facing a problem, and id like to reproduce exactly what i did before and see were is my error... it seems im not be able to...

More gold mining from the forum will be needed... thanks again for your kind reply.

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No problem, and thank you for updating your profile.:eek: