WonderMedia WM8650 charging problem


Oct 9, 2012
As title said, I have WonderMedia WM8650 model and I am using Android 2.2 version.
Until my charger goes dead, everything worked fined. After my charger goes dead (9V 1500mA) I don't know what to do. I need to plug USB adapter for my model and connect it to my laptop and also I need to put the charger in my tablet so I can turn my tablet on. If I disconnect charger, my tablet will shut down, and if I only disconnect USB adapter or USB from my laptop, screen from my tablet will turn black but it is still working. I know it is still working because when I put my USB adapter again in my tablet everything will go back as it was before disconnecting the USB adapter. Battery status is "Charging" and the LED light for battery is always red until I unplug charger and it will go blue and after one second it will shut down. Now I am using charger which is not exactly the one what I need but my tablet says it is charging.
Is there any solution to make everything work like it was before? Changing firmware maybe?
Ya Know what? I’ve Got the same problem as yours..but only my andorid system is a higher level than yours, and if it’s not too late: there is a problem with the charger,so u should go buy a new one.. and you can charge ur tablet by connecting it to the laptop it actually didn’t really work for me ’cause it keeps freaking saying: LOADING! but it might work for you.