WonderMedia wm9650 wi-fi

Jul 22, 2011
Help please! My wi-fi just stopped working and I don't know why! I keep getting the message that it is unable to scan when I try to turn the wi-fi on, and then it just shuts itself off:confused:. I don't know if this is relevant, but the MAC address is unavailible too. Can someone please help me!:eek::eek::eek:
They are all open. I am using a free hotel wi-fi access point. Whenever I try to open my Wi-fi scanner, after about 10 seconds, it says that it can't scan. It doesn't even begin to show the wi-fi access points. I used to be able to see them and I used to be able to connect to them, but now they don't even show up at all. I am positive that they are there, because other people I know use the access points that I was once able to use.
Hi there

I was wondering if you ever found the solution for your Wifi problem.... I am having the same issue, my wifi was working find and just stopped working. I keep getting "unable to scan for networks" every time i turn my wifi on, and then it turns off. Any suggestions will really help me with this issue.

thank you