workin on a deadline HELP!!! gome flytouch not powering on

Jan 11, 2011
I got my wife a flytouch (green light /red light with black headphone and power jack) I loaded Rudroid and it was running fine for a year or so. I just flashed a new tipstr mod, and the screen started to flicker. I shut it down and went back to 5the mod I had on it, but after 2 min of the flah process, the screen started to flicker and it crashed. Flashing screen and all.
Now it only gives me a red light when the charger is plugged in, and a solid green light with one depress of the power button. It will not go through the start up and there is no vibration.

The deadline is she is going to hawaii on Tuesday with a group and ws looking forward to reading the books on her tablet. and I just f'ed it up. Help!!!

all I get is green light with one depress of the power button, other combinations of buttons lead to square one. when power cord is inserted all I get is the red light and no response from buttons.

any help would be GREATLUY appreciated!
that sounds like the proc smoked in it. If the proc burned up then you will have this issue where you get nothing when you try to power up the device. You see the same issue in fullsize computers if the proc is dead.

Just for some research, I would pull up the new firmware specs you installed and see what the processor clock is set at if at all. If the kernel was preset with a specific clock that was higher then the clock in your tablet then you found out why this happened the way it did.

Just a hunch but, did you wait longer then 30 mins when the screen started to flicker with the new ROM before you tried to flash the old ROM back on it? And was the tablet pluged in via the DC charger when you were doing all this flashing?

very sorry if I wasnt much help =/
It was on for 2 to 3 mins. I figured the mod was incorrect. Powered down. formatted sdcard, reloaded previous mod, installed powered up and half way through 2nd flash it did it again with the same flicker pattern. after that no dice.