Woulda hard reset help?


Mar 11, 2012

Feeling weird about writing this post. Since I couldn't get an answer to my first question. But the guide was so good that I still sort of like this forum. Anyway, my tablet crashed wierdly recently. It sort of crashed and then started asking me the time and the region. And every single app was forceclosing. So I had to reinstall all of them. The tablet feels a bit slow now. But then I did try like hindreds of apps thinking I would hard reset it once I've found my happiness at Android Market.
And it does crash not often but regularly. So would I be better of with a hard reset or a reflash.

Thanks in advance.
You can try a factory reset, it probably wouldn't hurt. You may want to reconsider adding hundreds of apps though. That is probably leading to your issues and one or more of those apps could also be causing issues with your system. Figure out which apps you really need and install those one at a time making sure the system runs normally after each install before moving to the next. If you notice the system start resetting after installing a particular app you may not want to install that one.
Thank you very much indeed for your reply. I will be following your advice. That is actually exactly what I was doing. Since these are my first two months with the tablet I was trying tons of different apps thinking that when I find the ones I wanna keep I'd just do a factory reset and then only install the chosen apps.

Is factory reset enough though after the crash as I discribed it? Would I need "to reflash the ROM". I don't really know what I'm talking about. I just want to get the tablet to a clean state like when it was bought.I know it should be possible.

And if the factory reset is enough could you please tell my how to do it on a Samsung Galaxy 8.9 P7310.

I have had similar desires with my new Asus Tablet. The difference is that I started loading apps and when I found one I really liked I removed all the other similar ones that I was discarding. I kept a record of the ones I tried and then didn't try them again. This kept the clutter down on my machine which is what I believe everyone is telling you to do. I would suggest a factory reset and start over.

Another thing that I found in my travels is that the apps from Google seem to reload when you do a factory reset if you are backing up to google with your apps. This is a good and bad thing in that you don't want them to restore what you don't want but you it is handy if you just want to recover your system (which is where I found out about it).

I've gone a step farther in that I have rooted my machine and now trying to load roms on it and it would not load them. My bootloader seems to be encripted and will only load Honeycomb 3.2.1!! It is suppose to have an upgrade to ICE 4.0 but OTA hasn't said it's there yet so I tried it by hand and it wouldn't work. Ah the fun of playing with computers.......:cool:

Jim R