X5a 7" 4G Tablet w/ g-sensor: MULTI TOUCH question


Dec 27, 2010
I have downloaded some ROM emulators (such as gameboy, playstation, n64 etc.) onto my recently rooted x5a tablet. I understand and can clearly see that my tablet does have pinch to zoom and whatnot, however, I cannot play many of the emulators because it does not appear to have multi touch. I just wanted to comfirm that it is indeed my tablet which is ruining my gaming delight, and not a setting I have missed somewhere or a problem that I can fix. Thanks for the help!

NOTE: I have downloaded an app which is a multi touch tester, and it does register two fingers on the screen, just not anywhere near where my fingers are!

And finally, if I do not have multi touch, does anyone know of an android app which is anything like Sim Tower??

If the tester gives you results like that, it should mean that the touchpanel registers the touchpoints this way. There is really no workaround.

Don't know the answer to your second question though.