Xoom and Pandora


Apr 4, 2011
Hi all. I recently purchased the Xoom WiFi and am loving it so far. I did download the Pandora app, but it crashes on startup. I have removed it and readded, but no luck. I allowed it to send feedback on a crash.

Any experience with this? Thanks.
Agl Go in to your market and Sign up for dropbox. This is an app that will let people share files with you.

I have a WORKING apk for Pandora that runs on the xoom , i will be more then happy to open my Drop box for you to get it.
Aglarang I have the 3G Xoom, and I can confirm that it does work without any problems for me.
Staff at pandora says they are working on fixing it for Honeycomb as well. I emailed them as soon as I tried using it on my Xoom and it wouldn't work.

Sent from my Xoom using Android Tablet Forum
I have the Xoom Wifi and have the same problem. Hope it gets fixed, lost without my tunes!
Odd.... it works on the 3G version. I know the hardware is slightly different...
From a thread on XoomForums.com, that was quoted from XDA in regards to the WIFI only Xoom:

wifi Xoom here as well having the same issue however I installed the apk of Pandora that came on my Nook Color and it works.

Better interface then the regular version as I assume this was made for tablets, however it doesn't rotate to landscape view its locked to portrait.

More info Here
Original Pandora APK - xda-developers

Link to .apk
i just went and installed pandora from the market no issues here either.

3g version fyi.
Yeah pandora is working on fixing the issue for the wifi version. The nook pandora apk does work when downloaded to your xoom though. The only downside for me is that version stays in portrait mode and so I can't use my docking station in my AV rack.