Yet another Battery Charging Question!


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012

Everyone here knows the other thread that I have and knows what the Lenovo Tech has told me, That being said.

While I;ve been told about the battery charge being kept at around 98 to 100% and the tablet/charger throttling it so to speak as to not overcharge it.

And while the Tech told me it was because of the battery getting to warm It was shutting off charging until the battery itself cooled down, Alll of this made since to me.

BUT here is something that doesn't make since to me and maybe someone here could explain it to me?

OK here goes.
During one of it's shutdown cycles I went into the battery monitoring program that I have to check a setting and when happened to go into the info page where it gives your charging status/battery health it said in Big RED Letters FAILURE!!!!!!
But according to the indicator in the task bar it still showed the Lighting Bolt and I check by clicking on the Taskbar and it said 98% charging.

I went back into the program and it said FAILURE so I went and downloaded another program from Google Play just to see if mine may have been messing up and it said the same thing Unspecified Failure.
OK so to see if the Battery was BORKED I unplugged it while in my program and it popped up GOOD?
So I thought maybe it was the charger.
I put on another Power Adapter that I had and it started going between Failure & Good approx every 10 or so seconds.

As the battery cooled it went back to being GOOD Steady and finally went to 100% charged battery FULL.

So I went and played another game for awhile and backed out and everything was still cool by this time, so I went back and played another game for a bit and backed back out of it and checked it again and it said FAILURE!!!!!

It happened at a battery temp of 96-99 degrees F.
And stabilizes and goes back to being GOOD once it hits around 92 degrees F.

My question is this is this in anyway normal?
Or does it make any since to you all?

I'm asking you because I know you all have had expirence with these Bad Boys.
And I don't want to get into contacting Tech Support again if I don't have to/Or calling newegg for a replacement.
In someways from what I've been told by you guys as well Tech Support it makes since.
BUT I've not ever had this happen on any of my other machines

I know that the battery isn't bad because it would die instantly once I unplugged it and it wouldn't charge at all while either on or off.
And while it is saying FAILURE both programs as well as the taskbar still recognizes that AC is still hooked up to it.

PLEASE Help me make since of this..... :rolleyes:

Thanks again and Sorry for bothering you all again: Ricky
OK I'm glad to hear that for you.
"BUT" Does it at all make any since?
In any way of normal operation.... :confused:

I can't say until my tablet's battery reaches those temps, then performs the same as yours did, if so then it would be normal, if mine doesn't act the same as yours then one of them isn't working correctly. hopefully someone else whos battery temp reaches almost 100 F can post their results, mine doesn't want to get above 88 F.
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can you check your temp via computer while tablet is charging? I have mine plugged into hub, the hub is plugged into computer, from computer I can check battery temp and battery level, without touching tablet.

Below is my current temp both in C and F also current battery level.

vampirefo@vampirefo-GA-MA78GM-US2H:~/Desktop$ adb shell
root@android:/ # F
root@android:/ # C
root@android:/ # L
Battery Current Level 75
root@android:/ #
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can you check your temp via computer while tablet is charging? I have mine plugged into hub, the hub is plugged into computer, from computer I can check battery temp and battery level, without touching tablet.

Below is my current temp both in C and F also current battery level.

vampirefo@vampirefo-GA-MA78GM-US2H:~/Desktop$ adb shell
root@android:/ # F
root@android:/ # C
root@android:/ # L
Battery Current Level 75
root@android:/ #

I don't have my tablet rooted.
But I talked with Lenovo Tech Support and they said they have "NEVER" heard of this type of problem.
So they of coarse asked if it was updated to the current version since it shipped with ICS and I told her that it already had been shipped with JB and updated before I had done anything with the tablet.

So we did a Factory ReSet while she was on the phone and it didn't do it.
She also said that the Battery Monitoring Programs may have in someway since they access battery information and it's system interface could have been causing it.
So she advised me to put on my applications and use the tablet as I normally would minus the battery monitoring programs and keep an eye on it through the task bar Icon and see if it still does it.

And if it does they'll take it and have me send it in for service.

In any event I'll let you all know how it goes.

See I said in another thread if something strange can happen. It will happen to me.

Thanks: Ricky :rolleyes:
If I were you I'd exchange it where I bought for a new one. It shouldn't be getting that hot and you shouldn't have to go through all this hassle to figure out why it is.
I can't say until my tablet's battery reaches those temps, then performs the same as yours did, if so then it would be normal, if mine doesn't act the same as yours then one of them isn't working correctly. hopefully someone else whos battery temp reaches almost 100 F can post their results, mine doesn't want to get above 88 F.

OK I did as the Tech said I removed aand did a Factory ReSet on my tablet.
I did as I was doing the first time I was working with installing all the stuff, Went along good for over 3 hours and dropped to 99%.
Funny part is it's saying Level is 99% but it's saying FULL at the sametime?
I rebboted it said the same then after a bit it said 100% Charging then shortly there after it said 100% FULL.

Stayed that way for almost 3 hours again and dropped back to 99% FULL again.
I've removeed all the crap as the tech has said my only question is why is it still doing this?

I'm about to either send it back to newegg for an exchange "BUT" at the moment they are out of stock!
Or send it into Lenovo and let them check it out, They are ready to take it in for service if it was to kep doing this.
But I really don't want to send it back to Lenovo for fear that they'll just say it was Firmware and they fixed it.
Only to have it come back doing the same thing!

Acer did this on my Iconia for a bluetooth problem and it didn't fix squat and I waiited over 3 weeks for nothing. :confused:
If I were you I'd exchange it where I bought for a new one. It shouldn't be getting that hot and you shouldn't have to go through all this hassle to figure out why it is.

I've thought of that but at the moment newegg is out of stock. :mad:
As I detailed at the current end of your other thread, the temperatures you are getting are well within spec for the battery. Are you having battery life issues or just status display? I suspect the detection circuitry as much or more than battery and charging if that's the case.
As I detailed at the current end of your other thread, the temperatures you are getting are well within spec for the battery. Are you having battery life issues or just status display? I suspect the detection circuitry as much or more than battery and charging if that's the case.

Battery Life is fine.
The other night I gamed SOLID for 5 and a half hours before it hit 15%.

And a couple nights before I Surfed, Downloaded, Watched Videos and Played Games and it lasted me approx 8 and a half hours.

So that i don't think is a problem, And even when it said Failure if I unplugged it the status went back to good.
It only said failure when I plugged it back up>
OK is there any chance that it may be software related?
The Tech asked if I had updated it from ICS to JB.
And I told her that it came stock with JB already, And still updated once I set it up and checked for updates.

So here's my question, To test this theroy out where could I get a Stock ICS ROM for it?
And can I flash the Stock ROM partition and replace it with the ICS ROM?
And reapply the Original OS that was suppose to be there to begin with.

I noticed when we did the factory reset, It said in the options about reinstalling from another device.
I take it a Usb Stick?

This is all new to me and any help I could get in flashing the ROM and installing a Fresh copy of ICS I'd be most grateful....

I talked to a buddy of mine who's a Windows Tech granted it's a whole different animal from android.
But he said it sounded like software to him.

In your opinion is that possible?

I hate being such a bother but I hate having to deal with sending something back if I can fix it myself.
As it usually does me no good and I just get it back with the same problem...

Thanks again: Ricky
It is absolutely possible it is software IMO. I am also mostly a Windows guy, though I do also have experience with a lot of chip level programming for discrete devices. It sounds like it is working fine, but sometimes reporting that it isn't. Either hardware or software could cause that. Hardware that isn't reliable that is reporting the current state or software that sometimes misinterprets that info.

I will leave it to others to give you mores specific android info, but I think the other media is the micro SD card, which it will often refer to as external (it is purely an implementation detail that ours seems internal because of how you get at it and where it is; it is removable and therefore classified as external).
In any event a buddy's Android Geek friend who's also a tech came over after she got off work and flashed it back to ICS for me.
And fixed it while tweaking and torquing it up a bit for me.
There was some code in the software that wasn't supposed to be there she said that wasn't supposed to be there and that's what was causing the problems.

Thanks to all for your help: Ricky ;)
In any event a buddy's Android Geek friend who's also a tech came over after she got off work and flashed it back to ICS for me.
And fixed it while tweaking and torquing it up a bit for me.
There was some code in the software that wasn't supposed to be there she said that wasn't supposed to be there and that's what was causing the problems.

Thanks to all for your help: Ricky ;)

This is good news, glad your problem is fixed, I use ICS full time, only use JB for tests, I figure there is lots of code in JB that isn't working correctly, as this is the first release, Lenovo should at least release 4.1.2 which fixes some of the bugs in 4.1.1. If 4.2.1 was released, I would be using it full time instead of ICS, but that's not likely to happen.