Zeki Inverted Screen


Junior Member
Nov 11, 2014
Good morning, as stated in the title my Zeki seems to be in constant negative, all the colors are inverted. I assumed that there would be a setting that was toggled to cause it but I have no idea where such a setting would be. After looking around at all the available settings and googling the issue for a while I found multiple people with the same issue but no one ever listed the solution. Any ideas on how to go about fixing the issue?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum

I assume you haven't enabled developer options? If you don't know what I'm talking about then you probably;y didn't but that is an area in settings that a change could cause that.

In order to eliminate a hardware problem there is always the scorched earth option of a factory reset.
Welcome to the forum

I assume you haven't enabled developer options? If you don't know what I'm talking about then you probably;y didn't but that is an area in settings that a change could cause that.

In order to eliminate a hardware problem there is always the scorched earth option of a factory reset.

No, I found one of your previous replies to someone with the same issue (which is how I found this forum) that said the Developer options might have been what happened. However I never found such a thing, so I couldn't disable/enable it.

With that said, in order to do a factory reset I was told to hold the reset button for 30 seconds. However it seems that it didn't do what it was meant to do. It reset the device, but previous photos, apps, and of course settings, were all the way they were before.

I've also tried a soft reset (for the heck of it) and I went through the settings and did the reset that claims that it would reset everything including settings and photos, but just like the factory reset, it didn't get rid of it all. It did reset my WiFi info and user info, but the apps and photos and everything else were still there.

I also failed to note that the tablet I have is the 8" TBQG884B.

Any other ideas?
Holding the button only restarts, no reset. Go to the settings area, backup - reset and follow the instructions. Using a button combination would/should work but only is needed if you can't gain any access to the tablet at all.
Holding the button only restarts, no reset. Go to the settings area, backup - reset and follow the instructions. Using a button combination would/should work but only is needed if you can't gain any access to the tablet at all.

Really? According to other posts if you held the reset button (the super tiny one that you have to stick a needle into to press) for 30 seconds it would completely reset everything. Oh well.

The backup - reset is what I was talking about in this line: "...I went through the settings and did the reset that claims that it would reset everything including settings and photos, but just like the factory reset, it didn't get rid of it all. It did reset my WiFi info and user info, but the apps and photos and everything else were still there."

Is there a way to access the developer options?
Holding the button for an extended period and sticking something in the pin hole have the same general results, only a restart. While some may refer to that as a reset it isn't the same as a factory reset. If your tablet had partitioned internal storage it may have not removed some media that was on one of the partitions.

If that factory reset did not solve the problem, (using settings) try one more time and try not to reinstall any apps. If the problem is still there then you may have a hardware fault.
Holding the button for an extended period and sticking something in the pin hole have the same general results, only a restart. While some may refer to that as a reset it isn't the same as a factory reset. If your tablet had partitioned internal storage it may have not removed some media that was on one of the partitions.

If that factory reset did not solve the problem, (using settings) try one more time and try not to reinstall any apps. If the problem is still there then you may have a hardware fault.

Oh I didn't realize that they would have had the same result. Well then.

Anyways, it has nothing to do with installing apps. The apps that are already on the tablet weren't deleted when I reset it, even though they should have been. Same with all the settings and everything.

A hardware fault is what I originally thought but after messing with it, I'm fairly certain there's a setting. I just don't know where to go to access the setting. If there are developer options, can you tell me how to access them?
The only reason for the restart "hole" is if holding the power button doesn't work. Based on what you have said there should be no setting that would cause that. A factory reset is just that, sets back to when you bought it condition.
The only reason for the restart "hole" is if holding the power button doesn't work. Based on what you have said there should be no setting that would cause that. A factory reset is just that, sets back to when you bought it condition.

Yes I understand that now, and I already knew what factory reset was supposed to do. Although, the hold reset for 30 seconds is a pretty standard button across many platforms and has been used for the past decade pretty commonly. It's more unusual that it doesn't do that.

However, I don't care about which buttons are supposed to reset and which don't, nor do I care about why one reset will do something another doesn't. What I do want to know is how to fix the inverted screen issue.

Once again, I'm around 96% certain that a setting was triggered. All I have to do is find the setting, you mentioned that it could be in developer options, so I want to know how to access said options. If not that then what other possible ways of fixing the screen are there?
Let me say this another way. A factory reset would undo any changes you had made as far as settings go. So there is nothing you can do to change it.
Let me say this another way. A factory reset would undo any changes you had made as far as settings go. So there is nothing you can do to change it.

My apologies, I must not be saying things clearly enough. Factory reset DOES NOT work on my tablet, I'm unsure why. It does not get rid of any of the settings or apps or pictures, nothing. So using factory reset will not fix the issue.

I'm asking how to access the developer settings you spoke of, so I can toggle it off myself.
A factory reset through settings - backup reset is supposed to wipe the settings so if it isn't doing that then there may be something else wrong with the tablet. I don't have any other suggestions.