Zeus Virus Alert


Junior Member
May 27, 2016
I did a search but couldn't find anything on this, hope this is in the right area.

I'm using Chrome on a Samsung Tab 4 when today I got a popup saying 'windows detected Zeus Virus' call this numnber, yadda yadda... I cannot get rid of it. Obviously I'm not using windows and this is a scam but it won't go away.

I have a virus scanner running 360 so did a full scan with that which found nothing, so I installed and ran malware bytes which found nothing. I've cleared Chromes cache/browing and the tablet's cache but nothing, it still pops up. Other than doing a factory reset do you have any suggestions... I really don't want to do a reset.

I have only downloaded apps and games from the google play store, no where else.

thanks ahead of time
Just to ad, I downloaded and paid for Kapersky, ran it twice but it found nothing. The popup is still there, I can't seem to get rid of it.
Sorry for another post but I can't seem to edit.. after running everything again I uninstalled Chrome then re-installed.. that did it, it's gone. thanks for reading.
It was never really there. Your Chrome was hijacked not really infected. Nice scare tactic though.