zt 180 android 2.1 epad

Dec 14, 2010
I am so frustrated. I am a senior citizen who got an epad (from China) for Christmas. It worked just great for a week. I don't know what I have done but after it comes on and is menu page, it freezes. I have had lots of people tell me or show me on video how to flash (what ever that is) and hard reset (which still has the screen frozen). I have tried all of this but to no avail.
I really like this epad to read books and check email.

Can, or Will someone help me get this thing back to factory reset for me
so did you reflash the unit because that is the only way to get the factory reset?
did you watch the video on the support site for "zenithink usa" that was where i learned to reflash my unit
if you are technically challenged you might look up your local best buy for the geek squad