ZT-180 hanging/sporadic issues


Dec 28, 2010
I just bought my ZT-180 off of ebay a couple of weeks ago. It seemed fine for the first few days until I pulled the sd card out without unmounting it first. Ever since then it has had nothing but issues. One thing to note is is came with the 1026 firmware.

It first started hanging at the android splash screen and every once in awhile (after several hard resets), it would make it into the OS and at the home screen but then lock up within a minute or so. I finally got it stop that by force closing all apps upon boot and it was fine for another day or two. Then the wireless started acting up. It would see all wireless connections, but then drop them instantly. It kept doing this over and over to the point where the device was unusable so I reflashed the 1026 firmware using the wiki instructions and from envo.com.

Everything seemed fine after that (that was last night), but when I got it into work this morning it start doing the EXACT same thing as before where it hangs at the android screen. It also makes a high pitch noise coming from the tablet when it hangs. I'm not sure what to do. Is it a hardware issues? Has anyone else had similar problems with this? I'm a little discouraged as this is my second tablet. My first was a cortex A8 tablet with even more issues than this, and now this. Please, if anyone can assist it would be appreciated.
hard to diagnose why don't you download "quick system info pro" there is a log "alogcat" i know it shows offending apps

firmware: 20101020
processor armv6-compatible processor
hard to diagnose why don't you download "quick system info pro" there is a log "alogcat" i know it shows offending apps

firmware: 20101020
processor armv6-compatible processor

problem is, the tablet locks up within 30 seconds of reaching the home screen (if it even reaches the home screen)