a very cool translation app


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2010
Sorry if there is already a thread for cool apps, but I couldn't resist sharing. It blew me away. It's called "Talk to ME"". It has 2 screens -for 2 different languages. In Market, It has a whole s***load of languages to chose from. You have to download the classic (more lang. packs need to be downloaded to use this) or Cloud- no other packs are required.

Hit the record button and speak what you want translated. Hit the button and your tablet speaks the translation in the other language!!!How cool is that!!!Convenient too.
It also works with just typing in your phrases.

i have 2 i downloaded , one is the google translate and Talk to me. I believe there is an update in the google translate that lets you have an actual conversation with another person........... me english , them spanish , I talk in english it speaks in spanish, they speak in spanish and it speaks to me in english in real time.

pretty cool stuff

Here is the link with a video of it in action which was a year ago i believe :


Read an article today about it, saying it's come a long way and is much better than the demo a year ago.
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So had my device with me at work the other night, and brought over one of the spanish speaking coworkers and showed him talk to me and google translate app's. I was very impressed with both of them and there accurate translations.

Even used google's conversation mode and I spoke english sentence it spoke spanish to him, he replied in spanish and it spoke to me in english. Has to be not very long sentences make sure your not talking too fast and try to pronunciate words well.

I was surprised at how well it did, very cool app's and a must have for when your at the United Nations and need to communicate LOL