Alternate skins/frameworks?

Jan 5, 2013
Hello A2109ers!

I am very interested in making a non AOSP ROM for our tablet. Maybe not even the entire ROM, maybe just the framework, systemui, and launcher. Anybody have any ideas? I figured the Sense for tablets like the jetstream would look best (same resolution and about the same size). I downloaded a stock ROM from its xda thread, but where do I start after that? I probably need to port the whole ROM I'm thinking, but I'm kinda a noob. Anyone else interested in some task of the sort? Maybe a different skin like touchwiz? Any help is appreciated, I have pride in our forum here. Thanks in advance! :)
I mention the HTC skin mainly because I am a former flyer owner and I loved it. But any skin other than aosp will do :)
Unfortunately to port any HTC ROM to our tablet both frameworks and libs need to be included and still no guarantee it will work, all sense ROMs are very hard to port, I have an HTC evo 3d but hate sense roms. There's some info on xda on porting sense ROMs, hope you find some success

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