Assortment of new Cortex A8 Coby Tablets on

Well there you go. Coby can't manage to update the Gingerbread build on their own because this is basically a rebrand operation. Android 2.2 has been passable for some time now. Good news is that Android 2.2 is more flexible for hacks right now.

This does not speak well of Coby at all, but let's hope they get the manufacturer to cooperate for decent hardware.
Looks to me like the Herotab MID816 is the closest to the Coby 8025 except battery specs - looks like the Coby has them all beat there. I wonder if they're both made in the same factory.

And so it starts! Amazon now lists the new Coby Tablets as "Currently Unavailable". The following is the response I received from Amazon Customer service:

AMAZON:Thanks for waiting.15:21:54

AMAZON:I've checked your order and can confirm 8" Mid with android Os 4GB is now back-ordered. I'm sorry about this delay--we certainly didn't expect this would happen.15:22:05

AMAZON:As soon as we receive more stock, we'll ship your order and send you an e-mail to let you know.

Me:Any idea how long back order may be?15:22:31

AMAZON:I'm very sorry. We're not sure when we'll be able to get more. As soon as we receive more stock, we'll ship your order

Anyone know if the Herotab M802 is worth purchasing?
.im thinking the disaster thats unfolding in japan may be the reason there is a delay in their release is many of the electronic manufacturing companies have been shutting done on a regular basis to conserve a result there will be a short supply of the needed components for certain electronis especially for cell phones and tablets...if your in the market for such items best not to wait i say!!!!
.im thinking the disaster thats unfolding in japan may be the reason there is a delay in their release is many of the electronic manufacturing companies have been shutting done on a regular basis to conserve a result there will be a short supply of the needed components for certain electronis especially for cell phones and tablets...if your in the market for such items best not to wait i say!!!!
.im thinking the disaster thats unfolding in japan may be the reason there is a delay in their release is many of the electronic manufacturing companies have been shutting done on a regular basis to conserve a result there will be a short supply of the needed components for certain electronis especially for cell phones and tablets...if your in the market for such items best not to wait i say!!!!
If u turn it around it says made in China not Japan
Yea I am waiting for my supplier to contact me when there available ... When I can get my hands on some, I will post some information... As of right now I am on standby with no information on when there coming out or pricing for me ....
Coby stated today on their Facebook page that the XX24 models (7024, 8024, etc with Android 2.2) will be released at the end of this month. The XX25 models (7025, etc with Android 2.3 - the "original" new model) is still slated for May/June. Just FYI.
Coby stated today on their Facebook page that the XX24 models (7024, 8024, etc with Android 2.2) will be released at the end of this month. The XX25 models (7025, etc with Android 2.3 - the "original" new model) is still slated for May/June. Just FYI.

What's the difference between the MID8024 and the MID8025 except a weaker battery it looks to me? Where to get one at the end of the month? I don't feel like waiting til June!
I cancelled my Coby Pre Order and ordered a 8 inch tablet with Samsung chip PV210 ARM Cortex TM-A8 MID. I think I'll just wait until the Coby line with the capacitive screens comes out later in the year.

The 7015 is fun to play with anyway!

What model and where from did you order it dardoncas? I'm thinking of canceling my 8025 at Amazon and ordering the 8024 (although I also had my eye on the Hertab816) if it is going to be delivered at the end of this month - what'd ya think?
What's the difference between the MID8024 and the MID8025 except a weaker battery it looks to me? Where to get one at the end of the month? I don't feel like waiting til June!

As far as I can tell the only difference is the version of Android they're running. No news on price or where to buy. I know that Amazon and were going to carry the 25's.
Last I heard Coby was releasing them with Android OS 2.3 instead of Android OS 2.2. But the other issue is whatever tablet you get from Coby don't expect it to be upgraded to the next Android OS. They're not doing that they said on their site. So third-party support is the only way to go for now.
It looks like they posted the same photos and info just changing 2.3 to 2.2 ... Maybe they are having problems with loading 2.3 onto it but need to get there hardware out so they are able to run 2.2 on it and changed Model # to justify it ... This is what it looks like to me... From every thing they showed, they have talked only about the 25 and 26 models. Now out of the blue they are posting 24's When they have these out ? I'll try to get some kind of info on this if i can...
The circuitry on the 8024 is slightly different from the 8025. It's using a 7.4V system (8025 uses a 3.7V) and the 8024 uses a DC 9V input/output where the 8025 uses a DC 5V. I'll be the first to say I don't know if that's a pro or a con for the 8024. One more thing - is it such a terrible thing to have to use third party for upgrading things on your tablet - I always kind of liked that!
Coby's contracted technical support tells me that the 8" and 10" are actually due mid April by the last bit of news they had last week of so.