cant go on any google site or acess any google services on my ZT180 TABLET (zepad P


Jul 2, 2013
cant go on any google site or acess any google services on my ZT180 TABLET (zepad

PLEASE HELP i cleared cash resetted the tablet and all ive tried on multiple networks no succcess
it wont lemme save the hosts file at all and i tried it with root exploreer the app simply crashes while edfiting it and in tried with hosts editor and it says that it cannot save
Did you mount the system partition as rewriteable (R/W) from read only (R/O)? (The r/o r/w button in Root Explorer.)
how do i do that
There should be an option in whatever File Explorer app you are using (that can get superuser permission on a rooted tablet)....
In the Root Explorer app, you just need to tap on the r/o button to change it to r/w....
With ES File Explorer, there should be an option in the root explorer options....
Or via the terminal app, just type:
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system