Can't seem to get Facebook to work on the Cruz R103

Oct 2, 2011
Hey everyone. We've been having some troubles with our new Cruz R103. We updated the Firmware for it no problem, and the internet is a little slow but not much of a problem. My sister uses it mostly as a e-reader, and to surf the internet and such. Well She is having the following problems.
1. whenever she goes on facebook the screen will go black after she tries to push a button or update her status. She just can't seem to get Facbook to work on it.

2. She can't play any videos.

3. She would like the internet to go as fast as it does on her laptop. (I don't think this one can be helped but I promised I'd list it)

So I know this is a little annoying of me to ask, especially being new and all but I can't seem to find the answers to these problems and I am not at all tech savvy. So could I ask that instructions be given to help me out? :D

Thank all of you in advance for any and all help.
Well My sister was able to find the solution on her own. Thankfully it was pretty simple. Sorry for bothering all of you who read this thread. If there are any moderators that see this, it might be a good idea to delete this thread considering as it has no answers and will not be helpful to anyone in the future. Thank you for your time.