Coby 9742 Custom Rom Problem


Feb 18, 2013
Hello, good afternoon to all.
I have a problem with my tablet Coby Kyros MID9742 is as follows.
Install a custom rom a few days ago, settled everything perfect and smooth.
The problem arises when you start the tablet after installing Custom Rom, what happens is that I get language settings, zoom compatibility, etc.. But I can not move because the touch screen does not work and I try to adapt a mouse to keep working and not working. Algien? Can help me? I do not understand what happens, I hope someone knows what the problem and can help me. Thank you.
What ROM did you install?
How did you install it?
Did you create a system dump of your tablet before putting the new ROM on there?
Hello, good morning.
Sorry for delay in replying, I've been busy.
I think I have solved the problem, what happened was that, install a rom of a mobile phone which is not compatible with my tablet.
It is curious that is supposed to install the ROM was for my tablet, but good.
Thanks to those who have dedicated a minute to read my post, sorry, I've taken the tablet to a technician and well, I hope to see if he could fix it.
Thank you all.