Connect to PC by USB


Feb 15, 2011
Yesterday I was able to connect my Tab to my Win XP PC using the USB cable. I was able to transfer files without difficulty. But, some how I must have changed a setting on the Tab and the Tab is no longer recognized by any of my PC's. I think it is a Sync setting that was changed.

Now, when I connect using the USB cable, the PC says " Found New Hardware MTP"

What settiing do I need to change to get the PC to recognize the Tab?
I found a USB driver on the Acer site. That seems to have solved the problem. But, that driver was not needed yesteray, and I don't know what "MTP" means?
MTP means Media Transfer Protocol Media Transfer Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its a limited emulation of a windows share. Its not quite a real share, (you can't assign a drive letter to it), but it works enough to let you move specific types files back and forth, often without letting you do anything with other file types. It won't work with many Linux distributions unless you go to some lengths to find and install it. Its something of an abomination if you ask me.

I avoid it.
I never cable my tablet to my computer. I know, its an iPhone habit that is hard to break, but break it you must if you want
to enjoy the true power of Android.

Just use a file manager that allows you to see Windows Shares. (Like, but not limited to ES File Explorer, Astro, File Explorer HD, etc).
Don't pay any money for these the free version is all you need.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it that way. What file manager do you prefer?
If you want windows to recognise the tablet without any driver, you must have disabled the option "USB Debugging Mode" in Settings > Aplications > Development as far as I know. It happened something similar to me. It was working fine till I enabled "USB Debugging Mode" then windows couldn't recognize the device. I turned it off and all went fine again.
Thanks, I'll try that...but I don't think I have USB Debugging Mode enabled. Ill look and see when I get home from work.
I connect just fine, debug or no debug.

What I have a problem with is that the directory does NOT show the present contents of the A500.
When I run Acer Sync then the directory gets updated on windows.

Is this to be expected of MPT? Any thing better?
Thats pretty much par for the course with mtp.

Acer Sync is a MTP client, but if you have some other mtp client installed it should work fine without Acer Sync.

Windows 7 comes with mtp capabilities built in, and some Linux distributions also have mtp clients built into their music players.

MPT pretty much sucks as far as I am concerned which is why i NEVER cable up any android device to my PC.
I Just use wifi and a file manager. I was only too happy to get rid of those filthy iphone habits. :p

If still addicted to the itunes ways you can look into DoubleTwist or better yet AirSync or TuneSync .
Took a quick look astro file share but I don't as yet know how to connect the tab with windows shared folders.
Any source of step by step?
I can eventually work it out but a primer would be nicer.

Took a quick look astro file share but I don't as yet know how to connect the tab with windows shared folders.
Any source of step by step?
I can eventually work it out but a primer would be nicer.


This was written for the Nook Color forum but applies to Android in general Also certain file explorer apps will automatically see your shared folders on a pc. Just open the app (such as ES File Explorer) and then use the navigation bar to go to the device/files you want.

It worked!!.....I was actually able to access my XP desktop.....I still can't believe it really worked.....:D....I used a combination of your above Nook instructions & other info that I had googled, using ES File Explorer....

And thank you Icebike for mentioning about using wifi and a file manager.....I'm still noob enough to Android so your idea hadn't even crossed my mind but I figured there had to be a better way than just using usb.....

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