Connecting Archos via ADB


Dec 3, 2010
Has anyone been able to connect their Archos via ADB? I've downloaded QTADB (gui for ADB, its pretty cool), and I've been wanting to take screenshots with it. I know our Archos comes with a built-in ability to take screenshots but I still want to do it on my own, as well have a different file manager etc....

I went to the Archos website and updated the Android device drivers to G8 drivers, and I've "added" an adb_usb.ini file just to add the Archos vendor ID:
How can I connect to my ARCHOS using the Andriod Debug Bridge (ADB)?

First make sure you are running the latest  ARCHOS firmware. Connecting by this method will give you user shell  privileges. Learn more to know how to use ADB on Windows, Mac or Linux  operating system:

[*]Go to the [URL=""]Android SDK[/URL] page and download the latest SDK for your operating system.
[*]For Windows users only: Install the Archos ADB USB Driver for Windows. The driver is available at the ARCHOS support ftp ([URL=""][/URL]). Instructions how to install the driver are available at [URL=""]USB Driver for Windows[/URL] site on Android Developers.
[*]Add Archos vendor ID (0x0e79) to adb_usb.ini in .android folder in your home directory:     
[*]Windows: echo 0x0e79 >> "%USERPROFILE%\.android\adb_usb.ini"
[*]Macos: echo "0x0e79" >> ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
[*]Linux: echo "0x0e79" >> ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
[*]For Linux users only: You need to add a udev rule if ADB only works as root:     
[*]Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules that contains the following lines:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", 
ENV{PRODUCT}=="e79/*", MODE="0666" 
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="e79", MODE="0666"
[*]Make the rule known to udev with the following command: 
udevadm control --reload-rules (or udevcontrol reload_rules on older systems)

Anyone with any ideas?