Crypto Tablet No Longer Connects to Router



Hi guys! I'm new here but I've spend the last 2-3 days on this forum trying to find a solution. I have a Crypto Novapad 80 C 124 tablet. I bought it from Cyprus this summer and i've heard that is made by a greek company (Crypto). After some research I've found that it's exactly like Coby Kyros 8027/8127 and/or MPMan 827 tablets.
I succesfully installed market on Crypto, rooted, installed all kind of aplications etc. A few days ago I decided to make a Factory data reset. After that I installed market again but now I cannot connect to my wireless router anymore. I double checked the password, the router is working fine. When I try to connect with the tablet it says "Obtaining Ip adress..." and after 10-15 seconds it says "Disabled". I tried to reset it again but the same problem. Anyone any idea? I have also searched for firmware to reinstall it but couldn't find too much information about this tablet. Any suggestions?

Here are some details about it:
Model number: 80 C124
Android version: 2.3.3
Kernel version:

Thank you in advance!
Hi kokopellau, congratulations on your Novapad 80 and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, there isn't a forum specifically for your tablet. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go. I'm moving this thread there for you, more people are likely to join the discussion there and try to help you get that WiFi working again. While you're waiting for replies, you might try resetting your router. Just turn it off or unplug it for 30 seconds or so and turn it back on. It's surprising how often that works. Also, if it's "remembering" your ID & PW from previous connections, long press on the entry for that and when the options appear tell it to forget. Good luck!
Hi and thanks for the response! I've tried what you told me but the same problem....can't connect...another advice?
Welcome to the site. Hope you get this resolved.