DinoDirect Experience


Nov 11, 2010
I was checking prices on tablets and strolled across a site called dinodirect and they had an iMito iM7 which I own at a very good price. As I was scrolling through the reviews I found 2 reviews that were the exact same review I gave at ***************** except the review was broken into two reviews. First part of my review in one, second in the other, under different names. I wonder if they are affiliated with Lightinthebox or they share them or they just take them or maybe customers copied and pasted them. Weird.
This is not unusual for the same Chinese E-storefront to have multiple names and practice marketing tactics such as this. Savvy readers such as yourself discover it and say huh? It is not much different than say Chevrolet and Toyota for a while manufacturing an almost identical Corolla/Malibu and just Forking the end product to different lines for labeling and finishing.

Is it ethical, not really. Is it done? yup as you discovered. What would be interesting is to track and trace the company's names to the same group.

Good catch.
Upon further review, I found this in the forum on their page. A guy was mad for not recieving his iMito and they were apologizing for the delay and he replied, "No need, I will get my refund, and have already received my items from www.***************** THEY WERE FAST, COURTEOUS, AND SOME WERE EVEN AMERICANS. CHECK OUT THERE LEGIT VIDEO. SO REFUND, AND I WILL NOT ORDER FROM YOU GUYS, BTW IM USING MY NEW APAD THAT JUST DELIVERED BY LIGHTINTHEBOX. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. So I don't think they are related companies.I really enjoyed my experience with Lightinthebox and am glad to see that most likely that's not their practice.
Confirmed. I bought this tab and regret every minute. It's slow to process requests, boots up improperly sometimes, the android app market crashes and eats up battery like a fat kid eats tastycake. Don't get it.
This is my review from *****************, Oct. 12th. Could not link the page, keeps referring you to the new review page. Mine is on page 25. {Search for imito im7}.

imito im7, 2010-10-12 10:04:12
By jcannon
I bought this imito im7 from here and I have to say the shipping was super fast. This thing has handled everything I have thrown at it with the exception of the youtube app stopping here and there. It does 720p and 1080p without a hiccup, very smooth.
Plays games very good, no problems there. G sensor is really fast and very good. The box says the cpu speed is 600 mhz but it runs at 720 mhz. confirmed. I have used this thing everyday since I have received it and get about 4 to 5 hrs of use with wifi enabled. Very pleased with the product and Lightinthebox's service. Love this thing.

This is the page from dinodirect. iMito iM7-Android 2.1 Tablet PCMID7inch TFT Touch Screen Telechips eBook Reader - DinoDirect.com. Scroll down and check out the first two reviews from, Eric Lauziere and Patrycjusz Jaworski. Exact to the word.
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This was kind of a merged thread... But I actually didn't realize what you were talking about jcannon. In that case at least the review was copied for a similar tablet.
My thing with it was, even though the review is not fake, it was taken from another site where the reviewer gave a review and was put on another site under another name. It"s not a review for dinodirect which they replaced Lightinthebox with the name dinodirect. The focus was on the product and the company as a whole. Seemed like not an ethical thing to do. It does happen a lot and was just wondering about it.
Boy wish I had found this forum prior to purchasing my Android MHK-802 from Dino Direct! There is a serious wealth of information in here I could have used. If any one is interested - I logged and dated my entire experience with DinoDirect in their forums:

Latest Posts DinoDirect Experience

As I turns out my experience was better than some, but I still have a unit that does not power up correctly or charge - it seems to work fine while I am connected to the power cable, but dies instantly if I unplug. Think I will be giving this one to the kids as an eReader for them to play with and I will get some thing a bit more reliable and closer to home for support. Seems like there is ton of them coming out now.

Based on my experience with DinoDirect, I would suggest unless you have a lot of time and even more patients you are better off buying locally from a name brand that you can even try and get a hold of. The tablet I got literally has nothing on the case indicating who made it. After a few weeks, I noticed on the Manual the model number MHK-802 and was able to find a company in HongKong (I think) that is the actual manufacture. I tried Emailing them direct and the DinoDirect folks and still have not been able to get any resolutions.
On the charging issue, have you checked the solder job on the battery leads? Sometimes those joints aren't soldered properly and causes the battery to not charge or even be connected to the device.

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I took it apart and strangely enough, it was pretty darn easy to do. I can see where they are soldered (the battery contacts) but do not have the skills required to test things out, may take it to some one that could re-solder them without destroying the circuit board.
Well you hit the nail on the htead took it apart again took apart the battery and 1 connection was broke. Soldered it worked great. Put everythig back tgether and broke the screen. Know where i can get an 8" replacement screen?
I can't tell what exactly you have because of the lack of pictures and the wrong specs on Dino. Ask them first. Then Merimobiles and Pandawill.