General question on Coby Kyros MID7015 - 4G Tablet Specs


Apr 7, 2011
Greetings to all.... I just got a Coby Kyros MID7015A Tablet from Amazon for $140.00. I've rooted it successfully and added the Google Apps and other things and I'm really enjoying it. I'm also following the thread on adding Bluetooth which I hope is possible at some point. I just have a few technical questions. I added an app that keeps track of the system statistics and happened to notice that it reported that I had 154MB of RAM installed and a 720GHz processor rather than the 256MB of RAM and 800GHz processor that I thought I was getting. After checking all the specs in the manual and from the Coby site and from the Amazon website, I called Coby and spoke with someone in "Support" who clearly had no freaking idea what I was talking about, telling me that the NAND drive used up some of the RAM and the processor clock-speed was slowed down by all the processes that were need by the system... suggesting that I return the tablet if I wasn't satisfied... not the result I was looking for. My question is this... what's the story with the specs on this unit? ...and, also, will I be able to make VOIP calls with this unit if I add headphones with a microphone switch (or some other piece of hardware)? Thanks in advance for your replies.
Welcome to forum, with your very first post!

Yes 102MB goes to Graphic/OS The CPU is 720MHz max out of the box. To reduce battery. Those that say 1GHz on the box are really 660/800MHz to give you heads up. Yes the NAND is 4GB, but the OS, Apps an etc have to be stored somewhere so they all go on that 4GB. You should have 2.7GB free out of the box. Example 8GB would give you 5/6GB free. I just got my second one yesterday it is 7015A. The other one is 7015. My 7005 was my first Coby last Nov 2010.The 7015 is much better than that rock, it was sure heavy.
there is a mic next to the hdmi, so i assume if the software works you should be able to do calls with out adding any hardware.
Thanks, tipstir and kerry_s, for your replies... I guess I won't need to exchange my unit after all. I use it mostly for just staying in touch.... email, amazon, facebook, NY Times, Huffpost, games, etc and I'm very pleased with it. Bluetooth would be nice at some point. thanks, again, for your help.
I should probably start a new thread for this but here goes.... every time I hit the microphone button in the google search widget, I get the error message that the acore process bailed. I removed some of the apk files that I thought I might not need and probably removed something that the voice function needs. can anyone tell me what apk files I need to fix what I broke?? Thanks in advance for your help...
I should probably start a new thread for this but here goes.... every time I hit the microphone button in the google search widget, I get the error message that the acore process bailed. I removed some of the apk files that I thought I might not need and probably removed something that the voice function needs. can anyone tell me what apk files I need to fix what I broke?? Thanks in advance for your help...

the google mic stuff does not work, never has.
If google voice doesn't work best to remove it from the packages and same on resources and memory.

OP you should keep the tablet still good for what it can do for the money you spend not a bad tablet. I own two of them one you have is the 7015A correct. Once you get that puppy rooted, flash with clockword mod and one of the RoMs here you have a great tablet. Right now your still using stock OEM, huge differences when you use Rooted ROM design.

Well plenty of other tablets now showing up. If you decide to ditch the 7015A, then make sure you look for OS 2.3 or OS 3.0 (beware not much apps yet for the 3.0 nor 2.3 but most should carry over to them.
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