Graffiti typing: buying from Amazon any better than from the Market?


Feb 4, 2012
I have had Palm PDAs since 2001 and am still in love with Graffiti1. I was overjoyed to find that it is available for Androids and have used it on my Hero since last May.

Since it has now become a pay-for app I would like to pay the providers for this stunning product (Who is this loon? I hear you say...). The down side of this is that the reviews on the Market are peppered with complaints that, after a licence is bought, the verification program denies they have a licence and Graffiti can't be used :(. Surprisingly the Amazon Android Market has no such complaints and my question is whether any users also use Graffiti and whether they have any experience of the Pro version and have had any issues like this with it?

Graffiti is a most excellent input method and once some time has been spent learning its quirks, it is much quicker to use than a tiny (not-so-tiny Tablet) keyboard. Try it, folks!