Halllloooo. New to Android, New to forums, want to learn.


Nov 12, 2011
Hi, I am a totally new owner, albeit not proud, of the sylvania 7" tablet. I liked it until it froze. Then I did the 'factory reset'. It has no recovery. I would like to reinstall Android and have been searching this site for days for a 'recovery download' or something close I could work with. I love the info. but am not a total geek. I work on a moderate level with pc's. So, my question is: in laymans terms, how can I get this thing working again? I contacted Sylvania, they said I have a defective machine and would need to send it in, but I no longer have receipts. So, next step is trying to put it back to operating level so I can use it. It has a msg asking for recovery. Any suggestions? I am no good at programming. lol. So, if anyone has suggestions or needs more info to help, I would love the feedback. Thanks. N5325
Hi N5325, welcome to the forum, sorry to hear you're having problems with your tablet. If Sylvania has said the tablet is defective and they're willing to repair/replace it I'd pursue that option if possible. Contact the seller and see if you can get a replacement receipt etc. In case that doesn't work out, I'm moving your thread to the Sylvania Tablets section to see if someone there can help you get it running again. Good luck!