having issues configuring pop email


May 20, 2011
So I have some issues configuring pop email. I did some reading and downloaded the K9 app.

First of all I use a web based mailer when I am away from my computer. However popups on the screen don't work so I cannot send email or open a message etc.

Earlier today I was able to sign into this web mailer using my A500. Now it will not accept my password. I go to my phone and my computer and type in my password and i get in just fine. (yes using web based interface)

So I go to my Thunderbird app and it loges in just fine and sends email from my laptop. Same for the phone. Both are set up as pop mail.

I configured the settings in K9 but it says it cannot authenticate the mail when receiving mail.
I tried to send a message and it sent the mail out fine. Using the same id and password for outgoing as is incoming.

now my mail server is mail.mydomain.com for both out going and incoming.
So I am thinking its something to do with the A500. I did turn on viwe passwords so I know I am typing in the correct password (in the K9 app and the www page)

So my question is what am I missing?

I have compared all setting to working systems so the A500 should pick them up. But it will only send not get mail.

Any help would be great.
yes. compared my working laptop side by site to the Acer. Even rebooted acer no luck

This isn't an acer problem. Its always a configuration problem. If the issue isn't ports, its bound to be authentication related, or security method related.

For grins, why not try the basic Mail app that came with the tablet. K9 is great, but its sort of complex for your first go around.
In any case, I would delete the account in what ever mail package and carefully set it up again. Pay attention to terms, because
thunderbird uses different terminology in some cases. Visit your Mail Server's help pages and double check the settings that should
be used, because they may have better ones available for newer devices.

Best long term solution is to run away from pop like your hair is on fire. Have your Gmail account pop your pop-account and place the mail in a folder for you. You can even have gmail send from your pop account so that your correspondents never even know you've switched accounts. Plus with Gmail you have imap, so you can stop playing the game of having to read mail and leave it on the server just so it will all be available for you main machine.
Yes I tried to redo the mail account from scratch. Still won't get mail only send.

I'll have to call my provider and see what I can find out.

I don't want to use gmail for this as in time I will have it on my local system serving mail.
Than for the idea. I may use my yahoo mail this way.

yes i tried the local client as well as K9. Same issues.

Oh on a side note looks like they changed the site. :)
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this is what i found from my provider and these setting are correct on my tablet. still wont receive email

POP Settings:

Incoming POP3 mail server: mail.exampledomain.com

Outgoing POP3 mail server: mail.exampledomain.com

Secure Password Authentication: NO

Incoming POP3 port number: 110

I found several articles on this issue... and tried several things still no luck

Looks like a common issue. Sorry if Im not suppose to post links to other sites.
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I think I just figured it out... !!!!! Happy dance... sorry...
The security setting of none... I changed it from none to ssl if available. Now i get email.... whoopie... So even their documentation said no ssl but its working with it.

sorry very happy i figured this out. Hope it helps others out.
Ahem.... So the answer was handed to you in post 4, on the same day you first asked the question?
Ahem.... So the answer was handed to you in post 4, on the same day you first asked the question?

Not really. Post 4 said nothing about SSL. And I did read the providers www docs and even they said nothing about SSL. I fact they said not to use it.

I just tried the settings until I got one to work.

Like I said I hope this helps someone else out.