Hello everyone!


May 1, 2013
Hello everyone!

I'm MyahKara and I'm new here and I came because I have a little problem. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and 4 months I have more or less. I have not had any problems so far, just some freezes, nothing more, but since I updated it I can not connect to the internet. Before I had the version of Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) and now I have the Jelly Bean 4.1.1. I've updated 4 days ago and since then I can not go online, or use applications that use it or anything, it's really frustrating.
Do not know what to do and so I asked here, to guide me.

Thanks for your attention :)
Hello Myah, congratulations on your Galaxy Tab 2 and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 forum for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck and enjoy the forum!
Hello back. Thank you all for your answers (irony): Rolleyes:. Not even went to say hello, I feel like a forever alone u.u Thank God (Thank God!!) Internet returned a few minutes, now I can continue playing. After five days without internet on my tablet, I was entering despair : Eek:. Now I'll play a full five days by which I lost : P. You can close the topic or whatever, do not know how to do that. If a kind soul will happen even tell me, I'd appreciate it ;).

Thank you for your attention. :)