honeycomb on A820?

The chances are very slim, and here is why.....

When Google released Honeycomb to a few of the major vendors in a rush (ie: before it was ready) it ended up being a bloated version of the OS with tons of compatibility problems.
They left it out of public hands and, I believe, it was the only major release that they never made available to the public while it was the current generation.

When ICS was done - and they took a long time to work on it to make sure that it was polished and perfect - they released the source code to the public and that is why we're seeing 4.0 devices spring up left and right all of the sudden.
What most people do not know is that almost at the exact same time (and months and months and months after it was introduced) they released Honeycomb as open source OS code too.
The idea behind it was, "Who will want HC when they can just skip straight to ICS?"

And, because of that, you now see a huge void of devices in the market place.
Most budget-friendly Chinese brand devices, such as the majority of what we sell on our site, settled on Android 2.3 Gingerbread as the best balancing act between speed, battery life, and compatability.
Now that HC and ICS are released, you will see the jump by almost everyone from 2.3 to 4.0.....with 0.001% deciding to stop and release a 3.2 version instead.
In fact, from our vantage point, the only device makers releasing 3.2 were working on bits and pieces of source code that they got from random places and are now able to piece it all together and don't want to throw the work away.

Expect Android 2.3 on the AiShuo A816 / A820 only.
If anything happens, which is doubtful unless they release revamped models, the likliest candidate would be straight to 4.0

We hope this clears things up and remember that the situation above is sort of universal and not specific to just AiShuo.
Now that Ainol has released their devices, Zenithink has 4.0 builds, iMito has product released, and everyone else is chasing.....do not expect to see 3.2 again.