How to: Custom Bootscreen (for both telestra and non-telstra s7 users)

Apr 18, 2011
I found a way to do custom boot screens for non-telstra users. With a little bit of editing on the step-by-step posted here:

Here is how to do it for non-telstra users (requires root):
Here are the steps
1) install z4root or your other favorite root app (I prefer universalandroid root). This is not in the apps market, you have to get it from their website.
2) download some from somewhere on the net. Google is your friend, and there are many of them out there. XDA is a good place to start. Lot's of mediafire and megaupload links for them as well.

3) You will need to install the Android development kit. This is easily available. It will require you to install a JDK as well, and hack a couple of registry entries to make it work.
4) Install usb device drivers on your PC, so that you can see a valid ADB device in your device manager. (skip if you already have them)

5) Move your boot animation to your sdcard using this command on PC.
adb push /sdcard (alternatively mount the sdcard and move it then unmount it)

7) Start a shell as root on PC
adb shell
8) Change your /system partition to read-write
mount -oremount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
9) Now do the dirty work
cd /system/media
dd if=/sdcard/
10) reboot your phone. The /system will auto remount to readonly.
11) Enjoy the new bootscreen

Remember that most boot screens are for 480x800 pixel phones and not 800x480 tablets. Since the boot image is defaulted to landscape it will center most boot images. I am currently using the honeycomb boot image from XDA (it's kinda badass on my s7). They still look badass even though they don't fill the screen. If you really want to you can have them stretched by switching the values in the desc.txt in the but most of the time it looks like ass. Hope this was informative.
Another way to do this that I have done on my phone and my tablet and they both work is once you are rooted and have your get it somewhere on your tablet then move that file to data/local. I have done this with Root Explorer and it has worked every time.
See I kept trying that but it kept reverting back to the stock IDEOS boot animation. But it's always good to have more than one way to skin a cat...I mean android!