How to install Google Play using ADB?


Nov 12, 2012
Hello again.

I am looking for some guidance installing Google Play on my Coby MID7048.

I have the USB drivers installed, and I believe I have root access to the device. When I start an ADB shell I can see the device, now I am trying to figure out the sequence of steps necessary to install Google Play.

Some specific questions I have are:

Do I need to install ADB on the Coby? Would I then "pull" the files instead of "pushing" them.

I would like to copy the entire /system directory from the PC to the Coby. Do I need to adjust the file permissions once the files are copied so that it runs properly?

I have the file on my PC, which I am assuming this contains the files I need.

Once I have the files copied into the system directory, do I still need to install the apks?

Is there such a thing as installing ADB, establishing root permissions in the shell, and then do an adb bootloader?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Use root explorer and install the Google Play.apk at system/app.
Set permission to rw-r--r--

Read Write Execute
✓ ✓ NA

Hope it help...that's how it work, but not sure of Coby
Hello again.

I am looking for some guidance installing Google Play on my Coby MID7048.

I have the USB drivers installed, and I believe I have root access to the device. When I start an ADB shell I can see the device, now I am trying to figure out the sequence of steps necessary to install Google Play.

Some specific questions I have are:

Do I need to install ADB on the Coby? Would I then "pull" the files instead of "pushing" them.

I would like to copy the entire /system directory from the PC to the Coby. Do I need to adjust the file permissions once the files are copied so that it runs properly?

I have the file on my PC, which I am assuming this contains the files I need.

Once I have the files copied into the system directory, do I still need to install the apks?

Is there such a thing as installing ADB, establishing root permissions in the shell, and then do an adb bootloader?

Thanks in advance for any help.

you would need to push files to their correct place then set permissions.

adb push /system/app /system/app
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*

adb push /system/etc/permissions /system/etc/permissions/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/etc/permissions/*

adb push /system/lib /system/lib/
chmod 644 each file you push here

adb push /system/framework /system/framework/
chmod 644 each file you push here

adb shell rm -r /cache/*
adb shell rm -r /data/dalvik-cache/*


if everything goes well your tablet will bootup with playstore.

your tablet could bootloop.

if you had cw recovery you could just flash via recovery.

anyway good luck make sure you have a backup before you try this.
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Search on my other thread asking about rooting the 7048, There is a good link there from vampirefo that should work.
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Thanks for the info, I will give it a try and see if it works.
I did a backup, then tried to do the install. It didn't work so I did a recovery using the backup that I had.
I will try again using the information from above as I am not sure I did it correctly.
I will let you know how it works.
you would need to push files to their correct place then set permissions.

adb push /system/app /system/app
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*

adb push /system/etc/permissions /system/etc/permissions/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/etc/permissions/*

adb push /system/lib /system/lib/
chmod 644 each file you push here

adb push /system/framework /system/framework/
chmod 644 each file you push here

adb shell rm -r /cache/*
adb shell rm -r /data/dalvik-cache/*


if everything goes well your tablet will bootup with playstore.

your tablet could bootloop.

if you had cw recovery you could just flash via recovery.

anyway good luck make sure you have a backup before you try this.

OK, apparently I am still doing something wrong.
ADB gives me an error trying to push the files - saying that it is a read-only file system
If I invoke an adb shell I can get super user access by -su
But once I have it I cannot do anything because there are no recognized devices when trying to invoke commands in the adb shell
Did I do something wrong with adb? I imagine I need to do something to grant adb permanent root access?

Thanks for all the help you guys are great.
OK, apparently I am still doing something wrong.
ADB gives me an error trying to push the files - saying that it is a read-only file system
If I invoke an adb shell I can get super user access by -su
But once I have it I cannot do anything because there are no recognized devices when trying to invoke commands in the adb shell
Did I do something wrong with adb? I imagine I need to do something to grant adb permanent root access?

Thanks for all the help you guys are great.

OK type this first

adb shell busybox mount -o remount,rw /system

then type other commands.

adb shell busybox mount -o remount,rw /system

adb push /system/app /system/app
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*

adb push /system/etc/permissions /system/etc/permissions/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/etc/permissions/*

adb push /system/lib /system/lib/
chmod 644 each file you push here

adb push /system/framework /system/framework/
chmod 644 each file you push here

adb shell rm -r /cache/*
adb shell rm -r /data/dalvik-cache/*

/system/bin/sh: busybox: not found

ok so you need busybox

your tablet doesn't include busybox


adb shell


mount -o remount,rw /system

then type



now run other commands
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download busybox from here busybox

adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/busybox

adb shell


chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox

/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system


run rest of commands


if for some reason busybox needs higher permission

chmod it to 6755 but only do that if chmod 755 doesn't work

chmod 6755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
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OK going into the shell and doing the mount -o remount,rw /system seemed to work (no error messages and prompt changed from $ to #)

exited out and then attempted a push => failed to copy *.apk to *.apk: Permission denied
also .... unable to chmod system/app/*.apk: Operation not permitted
download busybox from here busybox

adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/busybox

adb shell


chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox

/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o remount,rw /system


run rest of commands


if for some reason busybox needs higher permission

chmod it to 6755 but only do that if chmod 755 doesn't work

chmod 6755 /data/local/tmp/busybox

Still getting the errors listed above even after chmod 6755 (these appeared to work)
Incidentally, when I do adb push /system/app /system/app it gives me an error and I have to do adb push system/app system/app
So I am not sure if I am in the correct directories, but when I type it as indicated it will start the copy. It copies two files "VoiceSearch.apk" and "Talk.apk" but when it gets to "SetupWizard.apk" I get the error: Permission Denied

I also tried to remount,rw system (without the /) which did not work either.

Would it be an idea to remove any of the files from the system/app directory that are already there before trying to push the new ones? I see that some of the files are already in the app directory. If so, are there any that I shouldn't be rm?

Thanks for all your help and sorry to be such a pain. I am hoping to get this rooted and then provide a post of what worked for other 7048 users.
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