I can't believe it doesn't exist

Dec 23, 2012
Having just returned from a local BestBuy, after perusing the iPad 2/3/4/mini display units, featuring 16/32/64GB storage, and WiFi/Cellular (3G/4G) connectivity, I was perplexed why there are no Android tablets that can even come close to the iPad, feature for feature.

What I mean is this. Provide to me the manufacturer and model of any single Android tablet, 8.9" or larger, that has:

1) A rear facing camera

2) Ability to support up to 64GB of storage.

3) High resolution screen (meaning greater than 1280 x 800 pixels)

4) 3G or 4G connectivity

There is not a single Android tablet available in the USA that can claim having ALL of these features...features that have been part of the iPad for 9 months now.

I was tempted to purchase a iPad 4, but was turned away by its interface. Android unquestionably has iOs6 beat, but the failure of hardware manufacturers to even come close to a device that has all of the above features totally amazes me.

I am using a 25 month old 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab, with 3G connectivity, and a rear facing camera, and microSDCard support. It is getting long in the tooth, and I've been wanting to replace it with something larger. But not a single Android tablet exists that has all of the 4 features that I would expect from a tablet that wishes to compete with a 9 month old iPad.

The ASUS Transformer Infinity TF700 seemed like it would be the ticket, but alas, after 4 months on the market, ASUS shows no sign of releasing a 3G/4G device. The Nexus 10 seemed hopeful, except it offers no 3G/4G and maxes at 32GB.

I'm am simply amazed that no manufacturer can release a device in the USA that matches a 9 month old iPad.
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What you are saying is these 'exact' features. Many Android tablets offer superior features, and most offer storage expansion allowing for more versatility than the ipad. Unfortunately if these are the hardware specs you have to have you may be stuck with an ipad for the moment.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
What you are saying is these 'exact' features.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1

You can't even find an Android tablet in the USA with these 3 of my 4 iPad features:

2) Ability to support up to 64GB of storage.

3) High resolution screen (meaning greater than 1280 x 800 pixels)

4) 3G or 4G connectivity

So I've made the task even easier. Rather than meet all 4 of my original 4 desired features, name me one Android device that has these 3 iPad features. You can't name a single one, 9 months after the iPad 3 was released.

I find this pitiful.
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So you want a android that doesn't exist, ok I will play this game, I will buy the first ipad that supports 64GB of RAM, hell I will buy one that supports 3GB of RAM. LMAO you have no ideal what you are talking about.
I will buy the first ipad that supports 64GB of RAM

OK, so I got RAM confused with storage. My apologies for the typo. It was clear that I was referring to SD card support, not RAM. Typo or not, it doesn't change the point I was making about how far behind Android manufacturers are in competing against the iPad.

And no, I am not an Apple fan boy, else I wouldn't be using a Samsung Galaxy Tab, nor would have I left the BestBuy without an iPad.

Stop the needless attack against me and address reality: Android devices are way behind the iPad when it comes to features and options.
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iPads have supported 64GB of RAM for nearly 2 years now. So if you are true to your word, you would have bought an iPad in 2010.

Clearly you don't know what you are talking about, for you don't even know the memory specs on the very first iPad.

You are so clueless, really one day when you learn the difference between RAM and Storage you will embarrass yourself.
here is the Ram for these Ipads

Memory 1st generation:
256 MB DDR RAM[8]
2nd generation:
512 MB DDR2 RAM[9]
3rd & 4th generation:
1024 MB DDR2[10]

iPad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hopefully you now at least know the difference between RAM and Storage.
Hopefully you now at least know the difference between RAM and Storage.

I know the difference between RAM and storage. What I know versus what I type are two different things. Your mini rant on my failure to type correctly is rather ridiculous, and is nothing more than a useless red herring. Your rubbing my nose into "it" simply because I typed "RAM" rather than "storage" is perverse. Why don't you address the point I was making rather than harp on a typing mistake? Why make an enemy of an Android fan who is looking to replace his existing Android tablet with a new Android tablet comparable to an Ipad 3/4?

Thank you for the warm welcome to this forum. Not!
I know the difference between RAM and storage. What I know versus what I type are two different things. Your mini rant on my failure to type correctly is rather ridiculous, and is nothing more than a useless red herring. Your rubbing my nose into "it" simply because I typed "RAM" rather than "storage" is perverse. Why don't you address the point I was making rather than harp on a typing mistake? Why make an enemy of an Android fan who is looking to replace his existing Android tablet with a new Android tablet comparable to an Ipad 3/4?

Thank you for the warm welcome to this forum. Not!

There is no mistake you simply thought that apple supported 64GB of RAM which it doesn't, like all apple guys instead of admitting you are clueless you now want to act like you knew the difference. Anyway you want to now act like you know more than you really do, so no point in communicating with you any more.
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like all apple guys instead of admitting you are clueless you now want to act like you knew the difference.

So not only do you jump on me for mistyping, you are now calling me a liar.

I came to this forum hoping someone would tell me that there is indeed an Android device that I had overlooked. As I stated at the outset, my 3G Galaxy Tab is long in the tooth and I wanted something better in a 9-10" format. Instead, I get jumped on because I mistyped "RAM" instead of "storage."

Would you like me to send you a picture of me holding my Samsung Galaxy Tab? See image below to show you how baseless your "Apple fanboy" accusation is.

It's nice to know that you are God and know the hearts of men, and that you don't make mistakes.

Sheesh, if this is how you treat your Android friends, I'd hate to see how you treat your enemies.

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Sheesh, if this is how you treat your Android friends, I'd hate to see how you treat your enemies.

<img src="http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=9541"/>

Look, no offense, but is seems obvious your post here was to attack Android, whether you own one or not. I could easily make the case that the iPad is nothing but a media consumption device in comparison to many Android devices. Really the iPad exists in the Android world, we just call it a Kindle Fire and sell it for $200. I only KIND of say this in jest.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
seems obvious your post here was to attack Android

No, the post was not to attack Android. If it was, then why did I write in my very first post?:

--- snip 8< ---

Android unquestionably has iOs6 beat

--- snip 8< ---

How does such a statement lead one to believe that I am an "Apple fan boy" or that I am attacking Android? Clearly it doesn't.

I posted my "question" because I came away from a BestBuy sadly disappointed that an Android device STILL does not even come close to what a 9-month old iPad has. I came to this forum hoping that I'd have some fellow Androider introduce me to a tablet that I have overlooked. Instead, I come here and get attacked for making a silly typo, and accused of attacking Android.

I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting and waiting for something comparable to buy, and there is nothing.

The sluggishness of Samsung, ASUS, HTC, Google to compete head to head with the iPad is sad. And the attacks that I have received here from fellow Androiders is just as sad.
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I have to stand by my last statement, Trolling by any other name...
Anyway Apple now is the one that has to play catch up. As evidence look at the Galaxy Note 10.1. It may not have the retina display, but beyond that the iPad kind of seems like yesterdays technology. With the Notes multitasking abilities and Wacom digitizer layer the iPad just seems somewhat mundane.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
the iPad kind of seems like yesterdays technology.

I already said, "Android unquestionably has iOs6 beat." You are preaching to the choir.

As evidence look at the Galaxy Note 10.1.

Does the Note 10.1 have 3G/4G? So how am I supposed to check my email when I leave my house? And no, I don't have a cell phone.

I have to stand by my last statement, Trolling by any other name...

You folks are incredible. You and your friend attack a fellow Androider who asks for help in finding a comparable device to an iPad 3/4.