incompatible apps? ~ Coby Kyros MID1125


Dec 28, 2011
Well, after I managed to install the Android market on my tablet, I was excited to get some apps on my device........ Only thing is, a lot of the apps I want are "incompatible" with my device. Some of these apps include Minecraft, Adobe Photoshop, The Nook eReader app, Adobe Flash, etc.

A few thinga I grabbed off of the system info app: OS 2.3.3 CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)

I appreciate any future help with this problem. I have a flash drive so I'm capable of transferring any needed files through that.
I'd really be interested in finding out how to get Flash Player installed on this device. I've had no luck with rooting it but did manage to get Market installed.
Why is it so an an issue to load market place and other items.

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To the OP.
Same thing here. After getting the market going most of the apps I did want were incompatible. They never showed up when I searched the market on my tablet but when I went to browser they showed up just with the message "this app is incompatible with your phone."
And the reason I think that is is the process of getting the market on your tablet (downloading and installing those 6-7 apps) works by tricking the market into thinking your device is a compatible one. And the issue there is it makes the market think your tablet is an android phone. And it's likely an old phone with poor compatibility problems. Facebook isn't even compatible on it, and I know people with several year old gen 1 android phones that have no compatibility issues with facebook's official app.

The only fix i'm assuming is a new set of installs taken and hacked from newer brand name android tablets that gets the market to thinking you've got one of those and not some old out of date android phone.

Why is it so an an issue to load market place and other items.

The issue is Google (the makers of android). While they are very developer friendly with how open source the Android OS is they only want/let the big name brands have access to the software they approve through their official market.
It's probably a money thing - "we'll let you use our OS on your device for free, but if you want your device to be a supported one on our Android Market that holds the rights to thousands of popular apps exclusive solely to our market then you will have to pay for the rights to use a different licensed version of our OS".
I'll quote a post that I made in involves editing a file in the Android Market and changing the data value to some newer phone like the Nexus S. Take a look at this: Free Your Android - How to edit your build.prop file with a file manager

Basically, you have to edit the build.prop file to indicate to the Market that you're using a different (and newer) device than what you actually are.
If you are rooted you can download lcd density from the market. Now change the resalution to 160 that will open up the full market. Make sure and change everything back to default when you are done because some stuff will look goofy at 160.
Basically, you have to edit the build.prop file to indicate to the Market that you're using a different (and newer) device than what you actually are.
I can access the root folders already, and successfully opened build.prop.... But I haven't changed any settings. IM guessing I still need to be super user to be able to modify/save these settings? I will be sure to follow the tutorial carefully, but is there a chance that changing the setting, the one that tells the market what device it is, will brick my tablet or pose any risks?
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but is there a chance that changing the setting, the one that tells the market what device it is, will brick my tablet or pose any risks?

The only thing that I could conceive is that, it might cause the market to break and you'll have to repair that, but your entire device? I highly doubt it. However, as in any case when you're tampering with the internal system, proceed with caution.
You can google the apk with the tablet. download then install.

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Go here and let the download button load. Click it from the tablet it will download into your downloads folder. Make sure you have your tablet set to allow nonmarket apps. Go to your downloads folder and click the file it will then install.

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