Jumping In for the Galaxy S


Aug 27, 2011
Put my deposit down today for the Tab S 10.5 the Best Buy here was one of 20 cities to get a preview model. It's light, fast, and, after making a few manual adjustments to the display, nice to look at, though there is the proverbial greenish tint and over-saturation. They are saying I should have it by the end of the month. Hope I don't regret this. I already have the Tab Pro 10.1 and this LCD display is pretty good!
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I quite agree. The super AMOLED display, which is more saturated and vibrant than the old LED (Xperia Z2) and TFT LCD (Galaxy Tab 4) displays, is no doubt beautiful. But, there doesn't seem to be much else going on here.
While I do not at all disagree with any of the thoughts here (had them all myself) I do hope the Ram increase will help and I did like the feel of it. I don't expect to be blown away, that's for sure. A curious side note : I have been unable to locate a usable case for my Tab PRO 10.1. The standard one Best Buy generic one kept hitting the power button. Another one caused the tablet to freeze up (removing it from the case freed the tablet up) and the stock Samsung one is pretty worthless. I hope the S offers better options.
FYI. Besides producing richer colours, AMOLED allows tablets to be thinner and use less power because screens typically don't require backlighting. But until now, tablets haven't used them because larger AMOLED screens are more difficult to produce. Samsung could change that and the richer colours will pop out when compared side by side to an iPad at a Walmart or a Best Buy.
It is a great tablet but i have a Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 and it is great and very happy with it but with the same specs and extra GB of RAM(3GB) and a Super AMOLED display on the new Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4(is a great tablet)

I think it is a hardly a upgrade from my Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 so i won't be buying the Tab S or a new tablet for a very long time.

Over a month ago i upgraded from my old Galaxy Tab 2 7 to my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4, now that's a big upgrade! :)
I guess it's more of a "I just want it" thing. I am returning my PRO so no cost there and hopefully I will find a good case. Lighter is great t too though this Pro sure beats the heck out of my old, Acer Iconia. I am hoping the June 27 date the Samsung rep at Best Buy gave me, is correct.

Edit: friend are teasing me about my decision. I have come to the conclusion that the only COMPELLING reason for me is, I want a new baseline. The Nexus is due out Q4, so this will hold me over. The jury is out but it's nice to know I can if Iwish!
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Today, I received a marketing (read: spam) from Dell touting their new 2/1 notebook/tablet. Of course, their are certainly many benefits to one of these devices, including USB ports, Windows, more RAM, 64 bit, larger storage, etc. As I read the specs I was struck by weight: 3+ pounds! The S weighs in at 1 pound (hopefully I will get mine from Best Buy tomorrow) but then I thought about my laptop, a Win 7 Dell, fully pumped up to handle all my Photoshop and other graphics sofftware and audio needs. And of course, there is my even more steroid infused, Win 7 Dell desktop with 30" high end monitor that I color calibrate twice monthly. What the heck would I want with a 3 pound, pseudo tablet? Which then begs the question: "with all the limitations a real tablet has, what do we really 'need' a tablet for if we have a decent sized smart phone? " It is just a luxury, I think, albeit a nice one!
Got it today, but what a hassle. Best Buy really screwed the whole thing up. They even told me they had no 16 GB, which is what I ordered so I got ticked and paid the extra $50 and got the 32 GB just so I could get the heck out of there. As it was, it took them 2 solid hours of fumbling around. I have usually ha good experiences. Now, hope this is worth it.
Today, I received a marketing (read: spam) from Dell touting their new 2/1 notebook/tablet. Of course, their are certainly many benefits to one of these devices, including USB ports, Windows, more RAM, 64 bit, larger storage, etc. As I read the specs I was struck by weight: 3+ pounds! The S weighs in at 1 pound (hopefully I will get mine from Best Buy tomorrow) but then I thought about my laptop, a Win 7 Dell, fully pumped up to handle all my Photoshop and other graphics sofftware and audio needs. And of course, there is my even more steroid infused, Win 7 Dell desktop with 30" high end monitor that I color calibrate twice monthly. What the heck would I want with a 3 pound, pseudo tablet? Which then begs the question: "with all the limitations a real tablet has, what do we really 'need' a tablet for if we have a decent sized smart phone? " It is just a luxury, I think, albeit a nice one!

Tablets are more likely than smartphones to be used for watching or catching up on TV programmes or film, YouTube, or gaming; anything where a larger, better screen will enhance the experience. As consumers become more comfortable with tablets, they are gaining a clearly defined role in households with multiple devices. Tablets have rapidly become part of our digital lives, with Christmas sales and cheaper, Android powered devices all contributing to make tablets a ‘need to have’ rather than just a ‘nice to have’. The arrival of cheaper Android based tablets such as Tesco’s Hudl and the Kindle Fire has turned what was a premium device into something that’s much more ubiquitous but also increasingly as personal as the smartphone we use when we are on the go.
Understood. As most agree, it is not compelling unless you are stepping up from a relic. I did have the Iconia A500 which was a slow, heavy, monster. But I went to the Pro before learning about the S. I was within my return period so I took advantage of that. There were quite a few, serious bugs on this when I picked it up onFriday, but two days and many hours later, two phone calls to Sammy and one in-person visit later, things have settled down. A few tweaks on their UI that I am not found of (over the PRO) but I can live with them.
Actually, the SideSync feature is similar to Apple's new Handoff app for its latest operating system. You can answer phone calls on your tablet if you're already using it, rather than breaking focus to reach for your phone. Great call-forwarding app.
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Rolldog, I had issues similar to yours with the case on my TabPRO. Absolutely bizarre behavior with the case on but fine with it off. I tried multiple cases with no luck. Even more bizarre is that my friend had the exact same tablet and case with no issues. When I got my S, I did not like the case offerings by Sammy and the generic case s were to heavy or to funky. But the cheapo, $29 case from Walmart works perfectly, is light and offers a great range of positions. Go figure...