Just bought wm8650 tablet, and problems with apps


Jul 5, 2011
I have just bought this tablet and when i goto android market and try to search for things almost all of them are in japanese doing my head in, i cnt download windows live messenger and stuff is this normal or have i bought a dud lol
Hi there, paulineriley!
This is indeed strange, but normal.
Your tablet came with a chinese version of app market, the one you're using isn't the original Google app market, that's why its full of chinese apps.
I suggest using some alternatives like the amazon market and etc (lots of free ones out there), since using the genuine android market with the stock ROM is virtually impossible.
You can also use Freeware Lovers: The Best Things in Life are FREE from your tablet to download APKs, seems to work for me.

I am the same as previous user i bought this tablet WM 8650 as a present for young daughter.The problem i am having is all the apps are in Chinese or Japanese when i try too use market in the tools screen i can try too download them but i always get download was unsuccessful please try again is there anyway i can delete the Chinese app market and use the other market where you can get better apps.My computer knowledge is very limited so please be patient or gentle with me lol.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me

Many Thanks
Colin Robertson