Just Joined, Semi-Newb Looking for Cheap Tablet


Senior Member
Jan 16, 2013
Hi All!

I'm somewhat new to the Android world. Several months ago I got a hot deal on a Nook Simple Touch, rooted it (more or less) successfully, but then mostly just used it as a boring old Nook e-reader. More recently I found another cheap deal on a MK808 Android mini-TV ... I've played with it a bit but haven't done any hacking/modding - just used it to watch movies on a hotel flat-screen while on vacation. On that same vacation my Nook was stolen, so I've been on the lookout for a good sale on either the same old NST or on the Glowlight - in either case I would root it again and try to do a better job of making some use of it as a pseudo tablet.

Just today I've turned up some low-priced Android tablets, and I've been thinking of getting one to use as an e-reader and to play around more with Android. I'm not sure whether I'll be OK with them as e-readers, since I quite liked the whole e-Ink deal on the Nook, but I figure if I don't like it I won't be out very much money and I'll still have a decent tablet that's easier to carry around than a laptop.

I also have (for 2 years) an iPhone 4 & iPod touch, both of which I've jailbroken - I've spent a fair amount of time learning about jailbreaking and the things one can do with a jailbroken/unlocked iPhone. That has worked out well for me, but for various reasons I'm now considering switching to an Android phone, so I think buying a cheap tablet and playing/learning on it seems like a good idea.

The two models that I'm looking at are (I hope it's OK to post links to deals - if not please tell me and I'll take them down - I swear I'm not trying to plug the vendors, in fact I'm eager to hear if either is un-trustworthy in any way):

[later edit after a gentle wrist-slap ... I guess I can't post links, I'll just describe what I'm seeing for sale instead of posting the link]

Google Android 7" Touchscreen Color WiFi Tablet & E-Reader w/ Android 2.0 OS, SD Card (model RR7T10WWH7) for $50

MID 729B Google Android 4.0 1.2GHz 4GB 7" Tablet PC for $71

I'm guessing that most of you will say that the latter is clearly worth the extra $21: Android 4.0 OS vs 2.0, weight 12 oz vs 19 oz., 512MB Ram vs 256MB, 4GB internal storage vs 1GB, etc. Am I right about that or is there any reason to consider the cheaper tablet seriously? Are there any other ultra-low-cost models out there or great deals I should be considering as well or instead of these?

Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
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Hi Huge,

Welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. To answer your question, of the two you mentioned, I'd definitely go with the MID 729B.

It sounds as though you're pretty capable of doing things on your own and when you're dealing with the less popular tablets that's a very good thing. If nobody else has the tablet you have, who's going to be able to help you if you get into trouble? Also, it's less likely you'll be able to find custom ROMs and mods for a less popular tablet.

We have fora here at ATF for several less expensive, yet popular, tablets. You might want to look at some of those and see what kind of support they have from the manufacturers, users and Developers before deciding on that new tablet.

Enjoy the forum and whatever tablet you decide on!
Whats your max budget?

Theres some awesome tabs coming soon!

Thanks for all the replies, everyone!

I don't exactly have a max budget - I would say that I want the cheapest thing I can find, with the exception that I'm willing to throw in a little bit extra if it gives me some very clear benefit. As Spider confirmed, the differences between the $50 2.0 tablet and the $71 4.0 729B seem pretty clearly worth an extra $21. But given that there's a decent-looking tablet for $71, it will be harder for me to convince myself to stretch by another $20.

This may well be just a trial run on my way to a nicer tablet (and possibly phone), so I think getting something cheap makes sense.
Hello Idaute, welcome to you as well and congratulations on your new tablets. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
Welcome to the site. Hope you find a tablet that works well for you.