Momo8 IPS Charging Questions....


Nov 16, 2012
Just got a Momo8 and I love it, only problem is the battery doesnt last as much as I'd like.

Ive tried a USB cable and it doesnt charge.

Is it true that only the Momo8 bird charges via USB?

Also if thats the case does anyone know of an emergency battery charger I can use that would fit the power port?

thanks in advance
You can buy the mains charger (2.5mm jack diameter,output:5V-2A).It's working with Ployer momo8 ips tablet.
when I recently got a 7" tab, I had concerns with the charging, the vendor said, use it till the charge level gets down to almost gone, ie 4% 3% 2%, then charge it up fully
do that a few times to kind of condition the cell, so I did as suggested, and now, the battery lasts almost all day, and I can top up the charge when it is , say down to 70% if I am going to be out and want it at 100% to go
works fine, also the charge time to max has reduced to more like the spec speed on the way, cant wait