my new xoom


Sep 5, 2010
i just got the entire opackage from the local verizon the xoom,blutooth keyboard,dock,and protective cover.i will upload a pic or two after while.

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ok on my desktop far im loving the xoom!all the reports of crashy apps havent had that at fact from the talk i read this isnt the same machine i read about.i got just about everything that i had on my augen installed on the xoom,and alot of things im just now trying.

anywho a pic as promised
I got the whole package too, except for the car charger and the keyboard. I'm using an old bluetooth folding pocket keyboard I bought several years ago, made by think outside the box. Any sadness towards flash missing?

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nah why have sadness over flash when its coming next month.then the xoom will be even better.

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someone had mentioned music formats.flac wont work but mp3,and wav definetly will.i do have one 720p hd mp4 video that plays fantastic.the sound quality using the plug on the dock is great.i have it run out to a t-amp if folks here know what that is.i have it powering a set of passive klipsch bookshelf speakers.setting here right now listening to some lossless wav music,and its an absolute treat.

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Pharo. Thanks for the pict did you get a data plan? Also do you use it more with the external keyboard or with the internal one? the android keyboard seems like it would be a pain.

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I answered the data thing in your thread.I use the keyboard alot if I'm tied to a desk..but like now its 1am here,and I'm chillin on the sofa using the on screen keyboard.

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ok ive taken a little time to do a couple photo's.this is of my market to show how many apps i have installed,and a screen shot of my main home screen.all these apps work fine raging thunder doesnt play full screened,but it works just fine.i do have another game installed that isnt on the screen shot.its called jewels its a bejeweled clone it has a minor screen issue but works fine.what people need to do is start experimenting a bit like i have,and see what works.

I've only been downloading freebies to my xoom so far. My first Android experience. I've been pretty happy with it so far. Everything except a weather widget has worked. The widget wants cell access it turns out but it wasn't clear in the agreement. I didn't sign up for a data plan and will just activate plans as I go on trips and need that sort of coverage.

I don't remember the app names, but a file manager, a text editor. Need to get VLC or some such and a software volume tool would be handy too. Read about a few of those on Xoomforums and will have to go hunting today.

Put a Ghost Armor screen shield on . Been using my old netbook sleeve for the case, but will replace that evenetually. The Ghost Armor seems better for viewing than my other devices with Invisible shield.
Not sure about the widget part but weatherbug is fully functional on wifi.

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The xoom has excellent battery life to.I've been setting here hard core net surfing,and playing music over the bluetooth.I started at 8pm well its now 10 after 2,and I got half battery left.that is with half s reen brightness,which is very bright if you have seen it.I've played a couple games as well,and have installed a couple new apps.this thing will definetly outlast me tonight.

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Can you guys tell me how fast the Xoom reacts to rotations? When I tried one in the Best Buy store it took 5-7 seconds for the screen to flip from portrait to landscape.
yeah the rotate takes a few seconds,but the accelerometer reacts instantly to movement in if your using it to steer in a racing game works flawlessly.

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