Need Help with White Screen/Android Boot 9740

Cole Whittet

Senior Member
Sep 12, 2014
I would really like for my android tablet to start working... It is a Coby Kyros 9740-8. Whenever I plug it in and turn it on it gets stuck at the android screen after the Coby screen. I have tried resetting using the buttons and getting into the triangle android but have had no luck. It goes from the Coby Screen to a white screen. Any help would be appreciated it has only worked for about 2 weeks.
Hi Cole, congratulations on your new Coby 9740 and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets.

I'd suggest a factory reset using one of the methods posted here:

If there are no instructions for your specific tablet, try some of the methods for other tablets. One of them will probably work and you won't hurt anything by trying as long as the tablet has a good charge or is plugged in during the reset.
None of those work, I use the power+back key combo which I assume is the right buttons but instead of going to a recovery screen it turns into a white screen.