New 8 inch Tablet WOXTER DX 80 with A20 CPU is Cheap in Price and Excellent


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2012
Any and all help for this Model would be much appreciated. If anybody is looking to test their skills this is a perfect subject to experiment on.It's new to the scene with an ALLWINNER A20 CPU and a board designation of INET-K80-REV1. Original Factory Firmware and the Livesuit tool is available on the home site in Spain. Unfortunately the instructions are presently all in spanish or asian language so I took the liberty of translating them into English and making a kit containing the specs,livesuit tool and Factory Firmware.Which I'll upload and post a link to when the interest builds a bit. The tablet comes rooted but is not fully accessable as of yet.So far I haven't been able to open the firmware .img . This tablet is super easy to open ,just slide your thumbnail along the seam.No screws,glue or hidden catches.It's really well made and performs fantastic as well. :cool:
Sounds like a good tablet.

It's got a false root.(Only partial) System files are inaccessible and the apps can't be added to the system or eliminated from the system. So you get stuck with stuff not everybody wants or needs taking up valuable space. Big mistake putting in apps that are only of use to a single language. The Chinese figured this out after sales of great tablets dropped for that reason. Yeah ,there's the option to disable them ,but still what about all the apps I buy and want to keep as system apps?Let's hope the folks in Spain will realize there's a huge market that doesn't want or need the Spanish News Papers and such. It would probably be the most popular HQ low priced tablet worldwide if it wasn't for the restricted access to the system file and the forced apps.