Newbie here!


Jun 9, 2011

I'm new to the Android world and new to tablets.

My husband has a 1st gen iPad. He loves it. Me, not so much. I think it is too heavy to hold comfortably but I love how easy it is to hang out on the couch or in bed and use it. I have a 3rd gen iPod Touch. I love it. Especially the portability. I use it every day for music, calendar, notes, and a to-do/shopping list. But there are times when I want something bigger and head to the family laptop. I hate iTunes, so the iPad was out for me.

I have a mini-Dell laptop, the Inspiron Duo. It's okay and I've been using it a lot for school, but it made me realize I want a dedicated tablet. The battery life on the Inspiron Duo is awful! I can barely get through a class (less than 3 hours).

I know I want an Android OS tablet. I'm trying to nail down the specs I'm looking for, especially size. Right now I'm leaning toward the new 10.1" Samsung Galaxy Tab since it weighs less than the 1st gen iPad. I really like the look of the Toshiba Thrive, but it weighs as much as the iPad. I thought about the Xoom, but read that it weighs more. A coworker let me borrow his 1st gen Samsung Galaxy Tab 7". I liked the tablet, but wanted a bigger display. I have not personally had a chance to check out any of the other sizes.

I plan to use my tablet for: web browsing, Youtube, tech reading on the Kindle app (I have a Kindle device for fiction books), Facebook, video chat via Skype, quick photos, games, and email. The video quality is more important than the photo quality. We live overseas and I need the grandparents to see their granddaughter on the webcam.

I do not plan to use my tablet for: recording videos, quality photos, music, quick notes and shopping lists.

I do not think I'll carry my tablet to work. My husband doesn't take his iPad to work. I stay busy enough without distractions. So I'll probably keep my iPod Touch for work.

If you have any other device suggestions for me, feel free to share.
Unlike most "Newbies", it sounds like you've pretty much got your stuff together. Welcome to the forum.
Thanks. I've definitely been doing my research. I just wish I was in the States right now to do more hands-on research. Even when I choose my tablet, I will have to have it mailed to my parents house, then they will have to mail it to me here.
Sounds like a real hassle. I hope you don't have trouble downloading apps etc. like a lot of people outside the States do. Best of luck finding that "Perfect Tablet". If there is such a thing. :)