Night Vision Tablet or USB Webcam with night Vision on Tablet ?


Sep 1, 2011

We are still looking into buying a tablet and wondering:

* Is there a tablet out there with infrared (night-vision) webcam?
* if not, Can I plug a usb webcam into a tablet ? (like this webcam)
* if not, is there a webcam with night vision out there made to work with tablets ?

I am thinking, if connecting USB webcams is even possible, the webcam would have to be compatible with android or whichever OS the tablet uses (guessing might be easier for w7 tablets?)...

I don't know much about any of this and searches came back empty.
Thank you for any help, advice, ideas, insights!

We are still looking into buying a tablet and wondering:

* Is there a tablet out there with infrared (night-vision) webcam? - NO
* if not, Can I plug a usb webcam into a tablet ? (like this webcam) - No, Really? see explanation below
* if not, is there a webcam with night vision out there made to work with tablets? NONE

The reason why you shouldn't buy that webcam is not a real NV Cam - The LED on that webcam's purpose is to light when you're using on dark or dim lighted places. It will only illuminate the area where the webcam can focus clearly and that the viewer can see it very well.

Good luck and Good Hunting for that NV Cameras...
Yes, I figured for $5 it wasn't, that was only an example, just to show an external webcam. Thanks for the notice though. Been reading about it for a while now and doesn't seem like any tablets cans support an external webcam :(